Nikola Tesla   United States
I'm realest Tesla

About me: Serbian-American engineer and physicist Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) made dozens of breakthroughs in the production, transmission and application of electric power. He invented the first alternating current (AC) motor and developed AC generation and transmission technology.
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Silent Hill 2 Script
*James is shown looking at himself in a restroom mirror. After staring at
himself for a short time he takes in a deep breath.*

James: Mary... Could you really be in this town'

*James walks outside of restroom and into the observation deck parking lot.
Mary's voice is then heard as James walks to the edge of the parking lot that
overlooks Silent hill.*

Mary: In my restless dreams, I see that town.
Silent Hill.
You promised you'd take me there again someday,
But you never did.
Well I'm alone there now...
In our 'special place'...
Waiting for you...

James: I got a letter.
The name on the envelope said 'Mary.'
My wife's name...
It's ridiculous, couldn't possibly be true...
That's what I keep telling myself...
A dead person can't write a letter.
Mary died of that damn disease three years ago.
So then why am I looking for her'
Our 'special place'...
What could she mean'
This whole town was our special place.
Does she mean the park on the lake'
We spent the whole day there.
Just the two of us, staring at the water.
Could Mary really be there'
Is she really alive... waiting for me'

- - - - - - - - -
B. The Graveyard
- - - - - - - - -

*On his journey into town, James walks into graveyard where he sees a girl
examining one of the graves and approaches her*

James: Excuse me, I...

*The girl steps back from grave and gasps in surprise*

Girl: I, I'm sorry...I, I... I was just....

James: No, it's okay. I didn't mean to scare you. I'm kind of lost.

Girl: Lost'

James: Yeah, I'm looking for Silent Hill. Is this the right way'

*James raises his left arm and points*

Girl: Um yeah.... It's hard to see with this fog, but there's only the one
road. You can't miss it.

James: Thanks.

Girl: But...

James: Yes...'

Girl: I think you'd better stay away. This uh... this town... there's
something... 'wrong' with it. It's kind of hard to explain, but...

James: Is it dangerous'

Girl: Maybe... And it's not just the fog either...It's....

James: Okay I got it. I'll be careful.

Girl: I'm not lying.

James: No, I believe you. It's just...I guess I really don't care if it's
dangerous or not. I'm going to town either way.

Girl: But why'

James: I'm looking for... someone.

Girl: Who, who, who is it'

James: Someone... very important to me. I'd do anything if I could be with
her again.

Girl: Me too. I'm looking for my mama... I mean my mother. It's been so
long since I've seen her. I thought my father and brother were here,
but I can't find them either... I'm sorry... It's not your problem.

James: No, I... I hope you find them.

Girl: Yeah, you too.

*James begins to walk towards the graveyard exit*

+If you go back and talk to the girl a second time the following dialogue
takes place+

*The girl turns around from looking at a grave*

Girl: Aren't you looking for someone'

James: That's right...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
C. First Encounter with an Enemy
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

*James walks into an area of the street where there are long streaks of blood
and it looks like a body has been drug across the ground*

James: Are these marks... blood!'

*Camera zooms to show a strange form farther down the street walking away
from James until it disappears into the fog*

James: That shadow just now...

*James follows another set of blood streaks he finds further down the street
down into an alleyway and eventually ends up in some type of old, brick
edifice which looks to be undergoing construction. He hears a radio making
strange noises within the construction site and picks it up to examine it.
He eventually notices that the strange form he saw earlier in the street is
in the construction area with him kneeling next to a dead body. As the
figure begins to walk towards James, he picks up a board with a nail in it
and attacks the creature until it lays bleeding and motionless on the ground.
James then examines the creature.*

James: Is it dead? What the hell is it? It's not human...

*As James exits the construction area he remembers the radio he picked up and
takes it out of his jacket pocket in order to examine it.*

James: Oh yeah. ...This thing broken'

*A very staticy female voices comes on the radio as James looks it over*

Voice: Ja......I'm....e.
Come to .......s....
..........ting f........ you k........

James: What the ...? I'd better take it anyway. I might need it.


- - - - - - - - - - - -
A. The Unreachable Key
- - - - - - - - - - - -

*James sees a key lying on the ground, but has to stick his arm through a
metal bar partition in order to reach it.*

James: There's a key on the ground on the other side of the bars.
If I stretch my arm out, I just might be able to reach it.

*The player is then given the option of whether or not to pick up the key.
If the player chooses 'Yes' James gets down on his hands and knees and begins
reaching out towards the key. He is struggling to reach it when suddenly
someone on the other side of the bars kicks the key out of his reach and then
steps on James' hand.*

James: Ow!!

Little girl: Ha-ha!

James: Hey wait!

*The little girl runs down the dark hallway on the other side of the metal
bars until she disappears.*

James: Damn it!

- - - - - - - - - - -
B. Another Dead Body
- - - - - - - - - - -

*Once James enters the hallway of the second floor apartments after obtaining
the handgun he hears a loud scream as he approaches the intersection of the
middle north-south and the east-west hallways.*

James: What was that!? Some kind of noise north of here....

*James then finds his way to room 208. There he finds a dead body sitting in
front of a television. There is blood splattered across the corpses face and
body, as well as all over the television and part of the wall.*

James: Oh my God.... Who could've...

- - - - - - - - - - -
C. James Meets Eddie
- - - - - - - - - - -

*James eventually makes his way to room 101 of the Woodside apartments. Once
he enters he finds a dead body hanging out of the refrigerator in the

James: What the...? Who could have done this...

*There is also the sound of someone being sick coming from one of the rooms
within the apartment. When James enters the bathroom of the apartment, he
finds a man throwing up into the bathroom toilet.*

Man: It wasn't me! I didn't do it!

James: Do what'

Man: I didn't do anything. I, I swear! He was like this when I got here...

James: My uh, my name's James. James Sunderland.

Man: Ummm... Eddie.

James: Eddie, who's that dead guy in the kitchen'

Eddie: I didn't do it. I swear I didn't kill anybody.

James: You're not friends with that red, pyramid thing, are you'

Eddie: Red pyramid thing? I don't know what yer talkin' about.
Honest. But I did see some weird-lookin' monsters.
They scared the hell outta me, so I ran in here...

James: Well, I guess this place isn't too safe either. What happened here

Eddie: Uh I, I told ya I don't know. I'm not even from this town. I just,
I just...

James: You too, huh. Something just brought you here, right'

Eddie: Umm... yeah. You could say that...

James: Well whatever it is... I think you better get out of here soon.

Eddie: Yeah yer right. What about you'

James: I'll leave as soon as I'm done here. Eddie... be careful.

Eddie: James, I... I... um... You be careful too.
♛𝐍𝐍 ⁧ 𝐑𝐀♛ 1 Des 2024 @ 3:13am 
fake level 10!!!
♛𝐍𝐍 ⁧ 𝐑𝐀♛ 20 Sep 2024 @ 3:20pm 
-rep brudsa fakeit lvl10
Chap1nh0 25 Apr 2023 @ 1:15pm 
This person is look very submissive and breedable
Mojt Egadjo 9 Nov 2022 @ 9:17am 
Nimsi Hartmann 22 Jun 2022 @ 9:23pm 
The "happy" in your name make me sing: " because I'm happy :Speech_Musical: "
nentrox 1 Jun 2022 @ 7:02am 
insidious fäg