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5 av 31 (16%) prestationer uppnådda:
Personliga prestationer

Gone In 60 Seconds

Die within 60 seconds of waking up.
Upplåst 11 aug, 2022 @ 15:57

Mmmm, Carcinogens...

Eat 10 burnt marshmallows.
Upplåst 10 aug, 2022 @ 6:04

Cutting it Close

Use your suit's oxygen in an ill-advised manner.
Upplåst 10 aug, 2022 @ 12:02

The Grate Filter

Swim through the dam grate. Not everyone makes it!
Upplåst 15 aug, 2022 @ 8:36

Flat Hearther

Stand your ground beneath a moving chain elevator.
Upplåst 18 aug, 2022 @ 6:40

From the Hearth to the Moon

Land the model rocket on Attlerock.

Harmonic Convergence

Pick up all traveler instruments simultaneously with your signalscope.

Die Hard

End a time loop (Alive) after having taken (and healed) over 1000 damage.


Launch your ship with a gravity cannon.


Complete the ship log.

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