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投稿日: 2020年11月23日 6時48分

This game is not for 'everyone,' long term grinds for skill increases make it so. Yet, I may say 'recommend,' it is very 'chill,' a good venue to socialize with players who may become your friends. And, while the grind is lengthy, it is not without reward.

The largest aspect of Wurm is to build within a very detailed system - housing, perhaps a city which is a reproduction of a memorable city from a fantasy setting,. Ship construction. Finally, there are those who play because of the system of animal breeding livestock - which none, or few other games have at all, and not to the degree of detail that is within Wurm.

A interesting thing, a number of FPS 'type' players have found that they actually enjoy the laid back atmosphere's 'way' of drawing them in.

For myself, am playing the game now-and-then, and working at least some on the construction of a ship to establish a transportation business within the game.

Also, am going to work towards being able to tame animals so that I may ride a unicorn (although hell horses are the fastest, but I like the sturdiness of the uni).

Free to play, can challenge yourself to earn the in-game money - typically, as a laborer / gatherer / supplier, if you like.
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