Miami, Florida, United States
Hello everyone and welcome to the TacoBay Nation!

I am a YouTuber, I do gaming, vlogging, haul, travel, and cooking videos.

I do YouTube because I just love the YouTube community!

I also Have a community called
The TacoBay Nation: https://plus.google.com/b/117948678688684265937/communities/110530159913217447349?cfem=1

Please join the community and share your channel and videos with other TacoBay members.

You can also find me on:

Vine: Tacobay07
Twitter: @TacoBay07
Twitch: Tacobay07
Instagram: http://instagram.com/tacobay07/
SnapChat: @TacoBay07
Periscope: T-Bay07

Join Maker Studios: http://www.makerstudios.com/makers

And remember please SUBSCRIBE to my channel :)

Hasta la BYE BYE!
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