过去 2 周 2.5 小时 / 总时数 728.5 小时 (评测时 350.5 小时)
发布于:2023 年 5 月 23 日 上午 8:44
更新于:2023 年 5 月 23 日 上午 9:10

War Thunder shouldn't be a bad game.

It really has strong "selling" points, like it has a huge tech tree with multiple tech eras. You can create custom servers/battles. It has a large community, it has a relatively realisticish damage and flight model and one of the biggest is... it "free to play" (even if it's a questionable statement).

But... you cannot realistically progress through even one nations tech tree, if you are a F2P player and I can understand that, I mean otherwise they cannot profit from it, which is the ultimate goal of a company.

Yes, there is an option. You can buy premium planes, and skip the grind, like in the F-16's case, but it doesn't worth 59.99€, for that price you can buy the simulator modules.
It's costs almost the same, you can skip the grind, you get a clickable cockpit, much better damage and flight dynamic simulation, etc. Or you can buy an arcade flight game, with story, etc.

If War Thunder would sell the same planes (like right now), but in era bundles (like US 4th generation jet era) for 60€, I wouldn't argue with their decision. It would still be a whole new games price, but at least it would be a bit consumer-friendly.

There is no real reason for War Thunder to be that expensive, they create an artificial barrier between them selves and the consumers.

Ouh, and they aren't really expanding or improving the game in some areas, where they should (guess why, there is no easy money). Fore example, there is the naval warfare side of the game... yeah nobody really players with it, therefore you will not see any improvements in this side of the game. Even though if there would be submarines (like a few years back in an April fools event), it would be a much interesting part of the game.

Ouh... and what about the hangar, or ground transport vehicles. Yeah they are the cosmetic side of the game. But I don't think that if Gaijin asks 60€ for a plane, that the hangar should look like a place which hasn't been upgraded since WWII.

A few months ago I was planning on purchasing the F-16, but with their recent game balance moves, even if they are not implementing it. I cannot recomend this game.

You cannot progress realistically in the game. They make it harder so you have to purchase a premium vehicle or premium account. There fore the game is not free to play, but just a huge grind. For the F-16's price you can buy other casual plane related games (like: Ace Combat, Project Wingman) or for a little more you can buy sims (DCS, IL-2, Gunner HEAT PC).
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