
TOExHEAD の最近のレビュー

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総プレイ時間:38.3時間 (レビュー投稿時点:12.9時間)
Worth it for a dollar, some microtransactions that hurt the nostalgia I have for this series, but nothing that compromises the game all that much.
投稿日 2020年6月29日.
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総プレイ時間:30.7時間 (レビュー投稿時点:8.0時間)
Such a beautiful game/software. Countless galaxies, stars and worlds to discover. Always makes me think of how truly small we are on the scale of the universe. 10/10 would buy for a friend.
The new terrain generation and nebulae are amazing to look at.
Great for making desktop backgrounds and videos too.
投稿日 2019年7月4日. 最終更新日 2019年11月27日
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総プレイ時間:26.4時間 (レビュー投稿時点:14.5時間)
Early Access Review
This game has allot of potential, and as its not even 1 week into early access of course their are glaring issues.
I have allot of fun with this game, and pretty much all my complaints can be fixed by the developers. Server issues are the first thing that comes to mind, but those are being fixed.

Spawn killing is a huge problem, ad I have been killed spawning on an objective and have killed people spawning on and objective aswell. But this is somewhat to be expected, I needs to be better then it currently is, but I don't expect it to disappear completely. But what is really bad and in my opinion inexcusable and needs to be fixed quickly is spawn camping. I played some games where the enemy had every objective captures, and their team was killing me almost instantly after spawning in the only 2 spawns that were available. Even if I got a shot or two on then, they would just heal up while I was waiting to respawn. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIkcmCgEjBY&

Another smaller complaint is the damage model and ammo model. I feel it can be very inconsistent, especially when I do 13 damage with a .50 BMG round. Or the fact that helmets can save you from .338 and other sniper rifle caliber ammo.

And a complaint I pretty much have with any shooter were teammates can give you ammo, the words "give me ammo" are not in the vocabulary for 90% of players who run with ammo packs, so a function to grab ammo off them would be nice.

And another complaint that is simply as a result of it being early access I am sure is that my loadouts reset every time I restart the game, and the store, exp system, and cash system seem to not be working as of now. The first game I played while the servers were still broken is the only game I got any xp or money.

The gunplay is really fun and recoil control is essential on the automatic weapons. I am sure they are planning to release more guns once the basic issues are fixed. But I have noticed allot of hitreg problems, especially noticeable when sniping cause you see a big red mist, but do no damage. I have to lead my targets so much that when I get a kill, there is no red mist indicating that I even hit them. Here is an example video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmTY-TQYSF8

The game seems to run fine for me as long as I have "One Frame Thread Lag" enabled, disabling this setting lowered my fps by nearly 50%. And is looks great for being an indie game.

Sound design is below average and needs work, but the developers said that they intend too mold this game to the communities specifications so maybe this is lower on the priority list then other issues.
投稿日 2018年10月23日.
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Just like with Acceleracers, when coming back to things from my childhood, I find out that they were actually pretty bad... BUT I LOVE THEM ANYWAYS! I love this game very much, but I'd find it hard to recommend to anyone who did not play it growing up. If they port TY 2 and 3 I will definitely buy them. TY 1's gameplay and story are very limited compared to whay I remeber of TY 2(never played 3). It is still a fun game, but if you are going into it looking for deep story or gameplay, you won't find it here. I'd recommend this to anyone wanting to relive some childhood memories.

There are some minor bugs, and preformance was mostly fine on my laptop(6700hq and 970m), but I think it could be better. Windowed and borderless windowed with custom resolution needs to be added for sure. And if possible, enhanced textures and models, most are fine, but some characters seem a bit buggy and needing of a faceift.

Took me about 10 hours to beat the game with finding all thunder eggs, and golden cogs, and having 98% completion. Could be done quicker if simply trying to complete the game.

I recalled my 1st grade santa wishlist including all the boomerangs from this game, I even drew them all.
投稿日 2016年8月21日. 最終更新日 2016年8月21日
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総プレイ時間:357.8時間 (レビュー投稿時点:205.5時間)
Story is not as good as Fallout 3 or New Vegas in my opinion, and roleplaying elements are definately streamlined, which is a dissapointment. The wachy and zany dialouge options are mostly gone, and almost all choices lead to the same conclusion. There were preformance issues, and still are but they are better for me personally, but I am an experienced modder and not sure how my modifications have made the game run better or not. I think the textures and models are a bit lacking, mods got allot of textures covered already. I like the lighting and shaders, and godrays. Gameplay is where Fallout 4 shines, way better then previous Fallouts. But still very sad that the roleplaying was so cut down and the story was a bit lacking. World design is very cool, but smallish. Hoping the future DLC is all big and hopefully more zany, I loved Old World Blues in NV, and Mothership Zeta in 3. Have 2 playthroughs and around 200 hours at this point and I'd say that there are not enough strong story sidequests, and less interesting characters. I am not organzied and throurough with my thought, so this is more or less a ramble, my feelings could change in 5 minutes.
投稿日 2016年2月3日. 最終更新日 2016年2月3日
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総プレイ時間:111.5時間 (レビュー投稿時点:52.3時間)
Fun, this game encourages you to play daily. Of corse you can buy through much of the grinding, but everything in the store that costs real money is way overpriced, so don't buy anything. I bought 750 credits for 5 dollars and could buy almost nothing. I saw that extra backpack space was on saale for 50% off, 250 credits for what i assumed was 50 extra backpack spaces, it was missleading and gave me 5 extra slots... Could not really buy much else with only 500 credits so I bought 10 more slots. The game itself is fun, but be prepared to grind, dungeons, mining, other resources. It takes a long time to progress in the game. I have yet to achive highest tier gear or do a shadow dungeon yet so I have not seen all of the game yet, and the economy and trading scene seems like it is healthy as far as I can tell. I am not great reviewer but I felt like sharing my opinion. But back to the buying things with money, even if everything was half the price, it would not be worth it. So unless you are rich and got cash to burn, buy nothing.

EDIT* Queue Position : 1000+. Estimated Wait: more than 30 minutes.
Happens too often...
投稿日 2015年8月4日. 最終更新日 2015年8月4日
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総プレイ時間:177.9時間 (レビュー投稿時点:29.0時間)
Vast improvement over, So many items, many synergies, very improved Mom's Heart fight amoung other things. I did not play much of the original becasue I was so bad but I watch many youtubers and steamers and became familiar with this game. Only complaints I have is in some rooms even without curse of darkness it is way too dark, and when I have my digital surround on my headphones turned on I can't hear SFX. Game runs butter smooth since flash is not bottlenecking it. I first did not like the artstyle but after a couple dozen runs I see how it is a vast improvemnt over the original. I plan on playing this very often and always find myself saying "just one more run."

But another thing that is sort of seperate to the game is that I thought they were adding a new hat or hats to Team Fortress 2 but it does not look like that is happening.
投稿日 2014年11月6日.
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