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109.1 hrs on record (109.1 hrs at review time)
Kind of like Terraria in the sense that youre upgrading equipment to fight more powerful bosses, but more laid back and I found myself much less reliant on a wiki to play. Beautiful pixel art and lighting. Devs update it after 1.0 with more content which is great.
Posted 27 November, 2024.
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16.2 hrs on record
Stick of Truth is a great game, and a perfect South Park game. It is funny, a little disgusting at times (in a good way), the story is not very predictable (not that a story is all that important for South Park), and the combat is enjoyable! Overall, I had fun with this game.

HOWEVER, it is not a very long game. I currently have 16 hours in the game, and I have in that time completed a save file. Sure, I have more achievements I could complete... but excluding that I have collected everything and have completed every quest. This is not the type of game I that I want to replay. It was very fun, but the gameplay is not the best in the world, and has already started to feel a bit old.

What I am trying to say is that you have to realize that the game is $30, for 16 hours of game time. I would wait to buy the game when it is on sale, like I did.

Posted 23 May, 2023.
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8.6 hrs on record (1.0 hrs at review time)
Okay... this game is something else. The concept is great, the game looks really pretty if you don't stare too hard, and the gameplay is just some great goofy fun.

It is better with a friend though, especially because I've heard of individuals being team-killed by the random user they'd match with. I will say that it is not the most polished game, as it was made within 5 weeks by a small team. Some items spawn within objects and some assets float and can look quite odd. Also, as another reviewer stated, new player retention needs to be worked on as some games end up feeling boring because players are nowhere to be found.

However, the game is quite fun. The odd but charming similarities with Mario Kart games while on horseback mixed with the hilarious gunplay, as well as the ending cinematics, and the experience in itself is as I've said, are great goofy fun.

Needs work, but this is a Day 1 review after all.

Posted 1 April, 2022. Last edited 1 April, 2022.
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215.0 hrs on record (190.7 hrs at review time)
TABS has been in development for many years, and since then it has evolved so completely. It began as a joke game the developers made for fun, with one map, a select group of basic units with hilariously dumb ai, and that was really it. Since then the detailing on both the maps and the units has drastically improved, more units and maps have been added, several new features including mod support and custom units have been integrated, and more that I am not thinking of. This game is great for anyone who has an itch to watch semi serious and semi funny battles and to strategize against opponents (both ai and online), and for anyone who wants to create their own levels and campaigns to challenge others. It may not be as active as other games, but its great fun and can be kind of addicting sometimes too, heh. Plus, the devs are still adding new things even after the full release, albeit slowly.

Posted 24 November, 2021. Last edited 24 November, 2021.
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2 people found this review helpful
18.7 hrs on record (10.2 hrs at review time)
If you didn't see how the game is reviewed by everyone collectively, that being "Overwhelmingly Positive," well here I am to say the same thing. Titanfall 2 is by far the best FPS I have ever played. The speed is perfect for casual and competitive play, the movement is both fun yet is still a skill to be mastered, the variety of weaponry and gadgets is great and not overwhelming, and titans add a unique gameplay element. Plus the campaign is amazing! This game NEEDS a proper sequel.

However... it was published by EA. EA has not been taking care of the game, and as a result the servers are undergoing huge issues at the moment due to hackers. Apparently if you play, your security could be at risk as well :/

The game is amazing and if the server issues are fixed, it is a must-buy. Or wait for a sequel (please Respawn) some day... 9.5/10

PS - my hours would be much larger if they included my hours on xbox one lol
Posted 9 October, 2021. Last edited 9 October, 2021.
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340.5 hrs on record (172.2 hrs at review time)
Civ VI is an amazing game for anyone looking to play a slow-paced, history-based, strategy game. There are several ways to play, each with a good amount of depth to them, and each are difficult to acquire. Games more often than not take a very long time to complete, so keep that in mind before buying.

Posted 7 October, 2021.
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510.6 hrs on record (190.6 hrs at review time)
GTA V is by no means an awful game, but its not necessarily a great one either. The singleplayer is enjoyable but it is nowhere near as profound as other story games, although it does keep that unique GTA feel. GTA Online however, the main reason for this game's indescribable popularity, IS deep. There are a lot of things to do in the online mode, a lot of things to strive for, and a lot of fun to be had, especially with friends. The problems are that not all of the activities are fun, most of the things to strive for take a disturbing amount of time to acquire when playing casually, and the online community itself is nothing to be proud of. Online almost feels like a job at times, which is not a good feeling to have when you are trying to play a game. Still, it can be extremely fun and it does have its moments.

Posted 6 October, 2021. Last edited 7 October, 2021.
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11 people found this review helpful
173.0 hrs on record (100.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Although it needs a lot of work, Bannerlord is a great sequel to Warband and a great game by itself, really. The classic Mount & Blade gameplay blends really smoothly with the new mechanics that this game brings to the table, such as the clan and family systems as well as kingdom system, and many more. The game looks great and feels great to play and is generally a great game. Still, as I said before, it needs a lot of work, as some aspects of the game are still bare-bones or broken, however, patches are very common. The game is slow-paced and methodical, just like the last, but the battles serve to fulfill the urge for fast and skill-based gameplay.

7.5/10 - As of now
Posted 6 October, 2021.
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3 people found this review helpful
162.9 hrs on record (158.1 hrs at review time)
Despite being over 11 years old, this game is still as unique as it was when it came out. It is singlehandedly THE PERFECT medieval sim out there, with warring nations, lords w personalities and relationships and skill-sets, cultures with differing specializations that can be integrated into your armies, battle strategies, an economy, basic politics, and a fun yet difficult to master combat system! I'm sure there is more that I am not thinking of. If you are into slower paced games with methodical gameplay, this game should be a great fit in your steam library!

Posted 6 October, 2021. Last edited 6 October, 2021.
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26.8 hrs on record
Wizard 101 is the most boring, repetitive, slow, taxing, and mediocre game I can think of. It wouldn't even be good if there wasn't a paywall after an hour of walking and talking, which by the way, is basically the entire game, alongside a boring and outdated combat system.

Posted 6 October, 2021. Last edited 6 October, 2021.
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