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35 people found this review helpful
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5.8 hrs on record (1.2 hrs at review time)
-Market this like it's a remaster of the original Ninja Gaiden II on 360.
-It's closer to Sigma than it is the original but with the gore added back in.

I avoided the Master Collection for this reason, but I guess they got me this time.

Thanks Koei Tecmo.
Posted 24 January. Last edited 24 January.
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40 people found this review helpful
15.5 hrs on record
Before we go any farther, I wanna say I DO recommend Persona 3... FES. As in the PS2 version.

The original P3 is a very flawed experience in ways P4 and P5 have greatly improved on. However, one thing it absolutely excels at and holds above later entries is its gloomy atmosphere. The way things are presented can feel off putting and uncomfortable. Cutscenes are distressing with sporadic cuts and droning, brown noise-esque sounds filling the background. In general, the atmosphere is intense and puts you on edge.

For better or worse, Reload keeps the gameplay and story beats mostly intact, but something crucial is missing: the atmosphere and vibe is severely watered down. Nothing really "hits" you like it did in the original. The opening cutscene is a good example of that where in both versions, you watch a teenage girl put a gun to her head. In the original, it's shocking and unnerving thanks to the sound design and chaotic cuts between shots. Whereas Reload, the sporadic nature is greatly diminished and added dialogue immediately kills all the tension. Stuff like this is a recurring theme.

Some of the remixed music is questionable. The new songs, while not bad, doesn't fit P3. If Lotus Juice wasn't rapping on these, you could've told me they were cut tracks from P5 and I would've believed you.

I don't dislike the new voice work, although Yukari lost a lot of her sass. They managed to bring back a majority of the original actors, but now they're voicing side characters instead. Just a really baffling decision. Japan got to keep their original cast; why can't the English cast return when you already have them on board?

All in all, play Reload if you're disgusted by PS2 graphics, I guess. But I think you're really missing out on what makes Persona 3 special in the first place.

TL;DR: they gutted the atmosphere.
Posted 11 February, 2024. Last edited 25 February, 2024.
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21.0 hrs on record (19.9 hrs at review time)
You ever play one of those games that feels like the odds are stacked against you? Barely scrapping by each encounter feeling like it was just luck that got you through it. Until eventually, it all just clicks. This is one of those games.

You get into this mindset or "flow" where you're now balancing your bike and juggling multiple weapons at once with ease. Keeping track of enemy bullets to block and parry like its second nature to you.

It goes without saying the combat is great. However, the real highlight is the art and atmosphere. I don't like excessive gore, but the art is so strong, you can't wait to see what weird, grotesque creature or area the game is gonna throw at you. The 2D animation snippets are short, but blend in nicely thanks to some great transition shots to and from gameplay. Really stylishly done.

The atmosphere is heavy with the feeling of better times gone by. There's a particular scene in a bar that really struck me. It's just sleazy enough combined with some excellent music that really sells the melancholic feeling that permeates throughout. This game consistently does a lot with a little that sticks with you.

Come for the bullet time. Stay for the oppressive story and atmosphere. Highly recommend.
Posted 25 October, 2023. Last edited 26 October, 2023.
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6.5 hrs on record (1.3 hrs at review time)
It's like someone broke into Sega's vault and uncovered a long lost Dreamcast game.

It's pretty good.
Posted 19 November, 2022. Last edited 19 November, 2022.
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18 people found this review helpful
78.7 hrs on record (3.7 hrs at review time)
I'm not big on the 2D Sonic titles (or just in general), but the first Freedom Planet really enamored me and the sequel is no different.

The way you create speed and carry momentum in this game is so satisfying with your attacks generally having some sort of movement property. My favorite example being Milla's beam attack "Super Shield Burst" that's so strong, it blasts you in the opposite direction you shoot it. Learn to chain this attack together along with her Yoshi-like float that keeps your momentum, you'll be flying across the stage at mach speed if you're good enough. Legitimately some of the best movement mechanics and physics I've ever experienced in a platformer.

On top of that you have the absolutely gorgeous pixel art and incredible soundtrack. Even if you're not a fan of the Sonic titles like me, I'd still 100% give it a try.
Posted 15 September, 2022. Last edited 1 January, 2023.
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