2 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
0.0 óra az elmúlt két hétben / 13.4 óra a nyilvántartásban (12.8 óra az értékeléskor)
Közzétéve: 2018. szept. 16., 2:11
Frissítve: 2018. szept. 16., 2:12

What a blast.

The Messenger is linear 2d platform with twist, a third in the game it becomes a metroidvania.

The selling point is not this unique feature though, it's the fact that it has one of the best movement systems I've ever seen in 2d platform games: it works like any other game except that you have a wingsuit and when you attack any object you get a jump, if you can keep attaking enemies, enemy projectiles, environment, etc... you can keep floating forever, this paired with the great animations make all you actions appear super slick, it really delivers the feeling of being a professional ninja glaiding and slashing though a fantasy land. So gameplay wise rest assured it has lot to offer.

The soundtrack also deserves a big mention, memorable tunes (reminiscent of Ninja Gaiden) all over the game that help build up the atmosphere and pump up the player for the upcoming challenges.
Challenges-wise the game is in the middle territory, not too easy at the same time not too hard, you may find some section of the platforming more hard than others but bosses are all too simple in my opinion.

The story has some depth but at the same time doesn't take itself too seriously, it gets the job done.

My only major gripe is that as I said before the game has this mix of linearity that later becomes metroidvania, but as a pure metroidvania is nothing exceptional, the areas are too linear (because of the first part of the game), and the later branching consists in other zones opening up from the already explored ones without ways of interconnecting each other.

Great surprise, great game.
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