Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
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Fetching 👀 Carly 29 Apr, 2020 @ 10:10pm 
Genuine happiness is when a wife sees a double chin on her husband's
old girl friend.

"I've got one last thing to say before I go; give me back
all of my stuff."

Fun Facts, #63:
The name California was given to the state by Spanish conquistadores.
It was the name of an imaginary island, a paradise on earth, in the
Spanish romance, "Les Serges de Esplandian", written by Montalvo in
"How would I know if I believe in love at first sight?" the sexy
social climber said to her roommate. "I mean, I've never seen a Porsche
full of money before."

str->str_pok |= SP_FBM; /* deep magic */
s = (unsigned char*)(str->str_ptr); /* deeper magic */
-- Larry Wall in util.c from the perl source code

Courage is fear that has said its prayers.
A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small package.
Kurwa 9 Apr, 2019 @ 9:08am 
Kυrwα 15 May, 2018 @ 10:59am 
Kυrwα 1 Apr, 2018 @ 7:47am 
y u no play
[email protected] 25 Mar, 2018 @ 11:26am 
xenzah 25 Mar, 2018 @ 8:22am 
Damage Taken from "$yntax" - 108 in 12 hits