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737.3 hrs on record (479.7 hrs at review time)
The day after the day before 10/10 actual MMO open world survival.
Posted 9 December, 2023.
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15.2 hrs on record (6.6 hrs at review time)
Solid graphics, driving feels very well on controller. Only thing that I wish for are more cars, the current list has gaps and feels like a copy from FH5 and FM7. Also the AI are basically braindead 12 year olds after their first can of red bull and will smash into and smash you off the track. Is it worth it if you are a die hard Forza fan? Sure but in that case you probably already own the game. Are you looking to buy this because you want something new and arent that familiar with the motorsport series? Keep your money in your pocket and try it on gamepass. With the spare money you can buy a lottery ticket if you win you can get into actual motorsport IRL.
Posted 10 October, 2023.
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1.2 hrs on record (0.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Downloaded this game for my girlfriend and now i am actually addicted to this game. Secretly play with her hamsters when she is not around. 10/10 would steal hamsters again
Posted 26 February, 2023.
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0.0 hrs on record
Amazing once you get your base down, untill then its basically a running in florida dying and crying simulator.
Posted 12 January, 2023.
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1.1 hrs on record
boring as hell, beatable in 20 min.
Posted 5 July, 2019.
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0.3 hrs on record (0.2 hrs at review time)
Realistic driving simulator 10/10 -Swanky
Posted 29 June, 2019.
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12.4 hrs on record (4.1 hrs at review time)
Dit is mijn review van construction simulator 2015
Eindelijk is er een spel voor het werken in de bouw. Lekker met de handen werken en in de buiten lucht naar de radio NL luisteren. Het spel zit erg realistisch, veel machines realistische klussen. Je hebt ook een voorman rondlopen die je informeert als er een nieuwe klus beschikbaar is.
De realistische voertuig controls maken het spel uitdagend en leuk, ook zijn er veel voertuigen beschikbaar om je te helpen met de klus. Zelf werk ik het meeste met de truck en heftruck om de pallets met tegels op te halen. Snelheid voelt realistisch en de voertuigen voelen ook net echt aan.
Er zijn ook erg veel klussen beschikbaar, dus je bent niet 1 2 3 uitgebouwd. Je hebt ook meerdere thuisbasissen waar je voertuigen kan neer zetten. Ook kan je meerdere bouwvakkers aannemen. Af en toe heb je ook speciale klussen die vaak net wat meer geld verdienen. Ook zijn er veel verschillende bouwvakkers die je kunt spelen en een erg grote map. Af en toe is het ook leuk om met de truck on toer te gaan, de trucks hebben een dikke 3.6L diesel turbo dus de truck loopt ♥♥♥ 105kmph met die snelheid zit je echt op de achterbank maar toch hebben ze een hoge en comfortabele zit.
De game zit er ook mooi uit en draait goed op ook op wat goedkopere hardware. Er rijden veel AI-auto’s rond die een realistische sfeer veroorzaken.
Ik vind dit het beste spel van 2019 omdat je veel klussen en voertuigen hebt. Ook is het leuk om met vrienden een de ervaring op te doen hoe het nou echt is om met de handen op de bouw te werken.
De multiplayer is een erg leuke ervaring en met multiplayer kan je makkelijker geld verdienen want je hebt gratis arbeiders

Posted 20 June, 2019.
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1.2 hrs on record
"Mowing down americans with my MG42" - 10/10 IGN
Posted 4 September, 2018.
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17.9 hrs on record (17.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Radical heights review


This is my review about Radical Heights. Firstly I’m going to tell you what Radical Heights is. Radical Height is an early access battle royal game on steam. So why is this game better than the other battle royal games? Well Radical Height completely reinvented the battle royal game mode they added money. Now you can buy and sell guns and gather money on your off-shore bank account! To prevent pay 2 win these godly developers removed the option to buy the in game money with real money.

First time loading the game

When you boot Radical Heights up you are immediately greeted by the 1980s USA theme (which they did a great job on) after you have created your character you can start playing the game you don’t need to wait long until you find a match because there are a ton of people playing this awesome game! After you have waited 30 sec in a lobby with other people everyone is dropped on a good looking big map (Bigger then most other BR games). The map has a lot of variety you have a lot of cities where there is a lot of CQB but you also have wide open fields where you generally have more long range engagements with enemies.

In match

The map is divided into sectors (all 100m2) after 30 second random sectors start closing and if you stay In them when they do you will take a huge amount of damage so you need to get out of there really fast. After 70% of the sectors are closed 2 spinning prize wheels drop on to the map if you manage to secure a spinning wheel they drop crazy rare loot (Level 3 helmets, Golden guns) you do need to watch out for enemies because there are a ton of people trying to get the spinning wheel.

Guns & Loot

There are a lot of guns in Radical Heights you have pistols, SMGs, ARs, Snipers, The rarity of a gun is displayed by its colour Grey=Common Green=Uncommon Blue=Rare Gold=Legendary the rarity on guns only says something about the accuracy whilst on armour rarer armour is stronger than non-rare armour. You are also able to find bandages, ammo, bicycles, Flashbangs (Called Confetti grenade), Decoys (A plastic inflatable fake enemy).

Litty box

In the map there are hidden boxes called litty boxes if you stand in front of them music starts playing and if you wait long enough the music will stop and then the box opens displaying a ton off loot
I rate this game a 10/10
Posted 10 April, 2018. Last edited 18 May, 2018.
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7.4 hrs on record (6.8 hrs at review time)
I'm the wiener, you're the bun. Come on over and let's have fun.
Posted 25 November, 2017.
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