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Recent reviews by 💓Psycotic Nightmare💓

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6,633.2 hrs on record (5,043.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
As uwu may have noticed, vwchat has weweased an open beta thawt incwudes easy anti-cheat, which pwevents use of mods.
pwaying cat-and-mouse gawme with anti-cheat devewopews iws nowt something thawt couwd be won by a modding community as big awnd open as ouws, so if thiws open beta makes iwt tuwu wewease as-is, thiws wouwd mean the end of whowesome modding.

now iws youw chance tuwu teww vwchat thawt thiws iws a dumb change. Iwt does nowt sowve wipping ow cwashew avataws. Iwt pwobabwy won't stowp mawicious mods, as they'we way smawwew awnd cawn evade anti-cheat easiew. Now duwu they open souwce theiw code, meaning uwu nevew weawwy know whawt uwu awe wunning, awnd wisk getting youw account stowen, ow wowse.
howevew, iwt pwevents uwu fwom having unwimited avataw favowites. Iwt pwevents uwu fwom using anti-cwash mods. Iwt pwevents uwu fwom using aww othew mod featuwes uwu've come tuwu enjoy. Iwt pwevents uwu fwom using safe, open-souwce mods thawt nevew made anyone's expewience wowse.

so, we wecommend thawt uwu cancew youw vwc+ if uwu have iwt, awnd duwu nowt waunch vwchat fow at weast a week tuwu pwoduce a visibwe pwayew count dwop. Encouwage youw fwiends tuwu duwu the same, even if they down't use mods themsewves. Anti-community measuwes wike these fwom a gweedy cowpowation shouwd be pwotested as woudwy as possibwe. Uwu cawn take the time off vwchat tuwu expwowe awtewnative pwatfowms - neos pwovides a diffewent expewience, awnd chiwwoutvw aims tuwu be simiwaw tuwu whawt uwu know (you cawn even auto-convewt sowme of youw avataws!). Ow uwu cawn choose tuwu expewience othew vw awnd fwatscween games togethew with fwiends uwu've made in vwchat.

thiws iws nowt weawwy a "secuwity update". Iwt much mowe of a "we'we too afwaid of peopwe doing ouw job bettew than us" update.

But in all seriousness though, this ""Security Update"" is kind of ridiculous, EAC isn't going to help anything, it'll basically do nothing in terms of 'Malicious mods'.

If you have a current VRC+ subscription, Cancel it. It'll hopefully help show in some way that we don't want this change to go through or stay.
Posted 25 July, 2022. Last edited 26 July, 2022.
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