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Recent reviews by Sundaecat

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63.4 hrs on record (46.4 hrs at review time)
In one sentence: A 2d Platform fighting roguelike. Blazblue fighters from across the games show up as your avatars of destruction as you go from room to room, beat up mooks traverse 2d platforms, upgrade yourself to fight the bosses and win?

As a non Blazblue player (other than some bbct way back) who plays rogue likes/lites and can appreciate fighting games, its neat and fun to go take runs through very replayable.

Pro: responsive and satisfying combat. It's satisfying to dodge an attack and slow all the enemies down with one of the legacies,

The choices in terms of what rooms you take are interesting and recent patches have added more rooms that make it more interesting as a choice (ie: battle challenge rooms and getting two random room rewards vs knowing what you are going to get).

Potentials(or core skill set upgrades during run) often are interesting and have subtle added combo bonuses for some of them.

The meta progression (a variety of augments + simple? health to upgrade) is good and helps you improve as you ramp the difficulty up with run modifiers. Higher difficulty modifiers also add boons/changes to rooms that you can turn off if you'd like which add to run variety at higher difficulties.

Con: Getting the best ending requires a guide. I've beat it once for normal ending and now playing to see if I can get enough ways in again for the best ending.

The recent patch changes the final stage and one of the characters i wanted to play more of so that is good too. Devs have been adding patches and its been great.
Posted 29 November, 2024.
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87.4 hrs on record (81.5 hrs at review time)
Had fun. Mostly played while listening to podcasts and stuff to keep fingers occupied.

Pros: Enjoyed the interplay of items and figuring out what to combo with the best. Also inventory tetris-ing to squeeze in that one last piece of gear you want is satisfying. If you get to the end most runs after a point felt godly in the boss doesn't pose much (which can be good or bad).

Found that I unlocked most of the stuff and was running around with no further use for the collectible pieces since nothing to buy further. Which I wished there were stuff to do with. Run modifiers like anvil being more common or more bosses and tweaking it to be harder could have been neat options for excess currency stuff.

Classes and their variants (plus the unique class item) can be interesting or just meh variants (looking at juggernaut and the item anti-syngeries with default item for example). Found singularist, scholar and rogue pretty fun.

cons: There isn't that much variety in the items for some tiers even once all the unlocks due to luck restrictions and alot of unlocks being higher tiers. Additionally for some stats there's not that many items. Like midgame attack speed is mostly clocks which if you are lancer class with default item aren't that great for you.

It also felt like ranged was severely lacking at highest difficulty tier for most non archer class(class with buffs to ranged) unless you got lucky. pierce dmg drop off(50% for most) makes it kind of a useless tier 3 item. There is a swarm of high spawn rate so you want to get high attack speed but don't usually get enough projectile power/dmg/crit.

Finished all the achievements (tip:the general win a run with x ones aren't listed in order so for example you might need to finish the 2nd class to close out the 3rd slot of the general achievement). Not that difficult to 100%.
Posted 23 December, 2023.
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28.1 hrs on record (27.2 hrs at review time)
Combines Deckbuilding combat with tilebased exploration using items to uncover the hidden fogged bits of the map. The meta progression is smooth with the run modifiers adding both difficulty and sufficient changes to alter runs.
Posted 6 December, 2022.
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32.4 hrs on record (30.0 hrs at review time)
one of the best 3D platformers I've played and with a cute as heck art style that oozes charm and controls rather smoothly.
Posted 29 June, 2019.
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246.0 hrs on record (81.2 hrs at review time)
Four words:
Best alternate history simulator.

The ultimate one more turn game that has you start from one settler and one warrior to a sprawling empire of bustling cities with variety of things to build and wars to wage.
Posted 21 November, 2018. Last edited 23 May, 2020.
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50.2 hrs on record (53.1 hrs at review time)
What do you get when you take Heroes of might and Magic/ Kings Bounty combat and put it to use in a hex based medieval map reminicent of Civilisation 5, add it a bunch of dialogue stuff, mix the spices of fantasy. spin the mixture and boil it in a witchs pot with dragons fire and you basically get Eador Genesis. Reminds me abit of King Arthur except with the Heroes of Might and Magic hex combat.

Its definitelly a Grand Strategy game that can go for quite along while, You are a DemiGod striving for the control of a shard, you hire heroes that you have do heroic stuff from fighting spiders and dragons. There are plenty of dialogue and choices that give morality. Will eat time really easily once you get in the paces of using rituals and managing heroes.

Youve always got choices within your castle and you have alot of tech trees to chose. You can train evil/neutral/good units which all have differing stats and usefulness. You can easily have a good necromancer or an evil paladin.

Bloody inquisition though. You either let your people get tortured witch trials style or you eternally get damned as a evil by the inquisition and will constantly attempt to ravage your lands. Still there are always more dialogue and such like a Pheonix lady that got cursed by her husband but yeah.

Graphics are dated but mechanics carry the game really well and its enjoyable :D
Posted 22 December, 2013.
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303.4 hrs on record (279.7 hrs at review time)
The nice music, combined with cartoony asthetic and well thought out character ranging from a dynamite throwing bull summoning cowboy, a anger management issue explosive house robot, to a pufferfish and planketon partners in crime awesomenaut. Its quite exhilirating and most games dont go beyond 10-30 min depending on how fast the turrets fall. A definite reccomend well worth the price especially during the sale periods :D. Also has a character voiced by Simon Lane(HoneyDew) of Yogscast and TotalBiscuit(or Cynical Brit) of youtube fame.
Posted 28 December, 2012.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries