
Последние обзоры Subert12

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First day was fun, learning the gameing having a good time. Got on today for only my second time playing and i already plan on uninstalling. First, cards in the game that completelty make it so a character cannot move for the entire game is just unbalanced beyond belief. Not to mention the fact I DONT HAVE THIS CARD because im playing against people who are 2 ranks above me. wasnt aware ubisoft made the match making for this game. Its the little things that throw new players off games, like not being able to get one ranged card from your deck when you oppenent has 5 on the field. Not to metion i dont even have 5 ranged cards unlocked, but my opponent does becasue once again... 2 ranks above me.. needs lots of work if it going to me worth a dam in my opinion.
Опубликовано 4 июня 2017 г..
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