steven the sea cucumber [DESC]
Steven   United States
Allow me to start the story from the start since in the heat of the situation the story became more and more accurate as I learned about what actually happened. It all started when I was in a Skype call with my friend [Kristan] and he was helping me achievement grind for money and fun by using the program SAM's. All was going well, as we switched accounts with one another racking up a small fortune and having some fun. Then, we got to cucumber and all was going well. Since this was my designated "smurf" account I wanted to make it look nicer so I was going to give myself all of the CS:GO medals along with the rest of the game achievements that we were originally doing. After, I launched CS:GO to make sure all had done well to see that I had a ban. I immediately freaked out, and figured it was from the program. He said he had no idea what had happened, and would buy me a new account for compensation. Although, he was giving me some heat saying I must have been a dumb ass and had to have had CS:GO open while I was doing it. I assured him I didn't, but that was that. He went and talked to a friend with a little more experience with the program, and he said it was not detected and practically worked 100% of the time. Still confused, he told me to share my screen and re-open the game. I did so, we all then realised it said "Overwatch Ban" along with "Minor Disruption". This hadn't crossed my mind since this isn't the first time I've been banned for griefing/deranking. The first time it happened, there was a small message saying the number of days I was banned. (I also only glanced at it, before closing the game in fear of doing anymore damage.) It all made sense after, since I had been deranking HEAVILY for the last two days. I was still quite confused along with the rest of them, since it was a permanent ban... They were all just as clueless, we did some research and came out with no constant. Since then, I've contacted Steam support asking if this was a mistake of some sort. Still awaiting a response, will update afterwards. If you have any ideas/comments feel free to message me. This was the ban message I was given (I'll add most of my friends when I purchase a new account. Thanks Christmas sale!)
-Update 1 Apparently overwatched differ based on the accounts history, wasn't my first ban for grief. Could've been the reason this one was permanent.-
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Twentz 2 Nov, 2015 @ 7:04pm 
Saw your comment on my profile. Its really no big deal at all.
Tay-K 19 Oct, 2015 @ 3:21pm 
+rep. Is that guy
Lord Muqtuqqqqq 26 Sep, 2015 @ 6:29am 
i like ♥♥♥♥ in my ASS
Icarus 17 Aug, 2015 @ 7:41pm 
Icarus 17 Aug, 2015 @ 7:41pm 
Getting my bade