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Опубликовано: 31 мар. 2020 г. в 1:26
Обновлено: 22 апр. 2020 г. в 16:03
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Half-Life Alyx swiftly places itself among not only the VR greats, but the gaming greats as it demonstrates what VR can do without even pushing it beyond its breaking point.

The immediate side-by-side comparison to make would be to BONEWORKS, but I don't believe this is the one to make. Alyx and BONEWORKS demonstrate 2 very different sides of VR, a more refined side and a more experimental side respectively.

I believe the true antithesis of Half-Life Alyx is Fallout 4 VR. Comparing these two games side by side you can see how Alyx is able to use VR's strengths while a simple port of an existing game will only highlight VR's flaws. VR is a tool and a platform, but knowing how to use it well is essential to making a truly fantastical game- and experience like Half-Life Alyx

P.S. It's happened twice now that I have tried to use the gravity gloves in real life, to no avail.
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