United Kingdom (Great Britain)

I believe that Jesus Christ was the ONLY Son of God. I believe that He died on the cross to save us from our sins, and that the ONLY path to salvation is to accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, whereupon we are forgiven for our sins. I believe we only live once and that reincarnation, as believed by Hindus and Buddhists (and by some Christians and Jews), is a false doctrine. I do not know where Jesus was from ages 13–29, but I reject the idea that he spent time in India with Hindus and/or Buddhists. I believe that Krishna and Buddha were historical figures who were NOT Sons of God. I acknowledge that Jesus instructs us to pray (in the Lord's Prayer, Matthew 6:9 and Luke 11:2) beginning with the two words "OUR Father" (not "Jesus's Father" nor "Our Lord's Father"); nevertheless, I do NOT believe I am a Son, Daughter or Child of God.
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