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4.6 hrs on record (1.8 hrs at review time)
amazing game very cute 10/10 please play
Posted 10 May, 2024.
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4,905.0 hrs on record (4,384.1 hrs at review time)
absolutely the worst version of cs, its a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ embarrassment it was released in the state its in
Posted 12 October, 2023.
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0.7 hrs on record (0.1 hrs at review time)
Took Overwatch 1 from us just to release a worse game, make us pay for new heroes even though ive already bought a version of the game, promised modes that was supposed to separate Overwatch 2 from 1 and those have been canceled. Truly one of the worst companies in the gaming space, dont play
Posted 11 August, 2023.
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135.9 hrs on record (126.1 hrs at review time)
Legitimately one of the worst gaming experiences I've had in recent memory. Do yourself a favor, especially if you plan on playing modded dayz, don't. its not worth the frustration and time invested.

UPDATE: Still ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, avoid at pretty much all costs
Posted 21 September, 2020. Last edited 1 October, 2021.
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9.4 hrs on record
I bought the game on sale for $16 and I feel like for that price, it's an ok story with ok game play. Nothing ground breaking on either front. Choices do feel like they matter along the story, but it left me feeling empty at the end. Wouldn't even buy on sale, even at the price I got it for. Feels like there could be more.
Posted 20 July, 2020. Last edited 20 July, 2020.
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617.2 hrs on record (49.0 hrs at review time)
EDIT: Below my first review is my updated review on the game. Please read both as they both give context. My first review left a negative impression(50 hours in), but after another 50 my second review is more positive. They both contain good points.

I can't explain why this one just feels worse than Super Mega Baseball 2 but it just does. This one adds so many good features that going back to play SMB2 is very hard because of the quality of life changes brought to 3, but at the same time the gameplay feels so much worse than SMB2. Its left me torn, and frankly I don't want to play either game now. I'm sure if this is your first experience in the Super Mega Baseball franchise then you will probably enjoy this game. But if you're wondering if you should upgrade from 2 to 3, then don't. Save your money, and just play 2. You'll ruin the experience of both games and it will leave you feeling empty. This was my favorite casual game to play and now I just can't because of how this game feels. The graphics, framerate, features are all better. But actually playing the game feels sluggish and worse. Pitching is significantly worse, just feels like I can't find an ego that's balanced. Either its up too high and I can't possibly pitch to the other team without them wrecking me, or it's too low and I just stomp the other team. The base running is INFINITELY worse, I can't imagine how they could think this is a better system than in 2. I'm constantly getting picked off on line drives to players where I have no control over getting my player back to the base, it always results in a double play, and even after they apparently "fixed" it, it's still a problem. They didn't add a trade feature but they have free agents which makes no sense. Seems to me with a cap, a trade system is a no brainer. I imported all my teams from SMB2 on launch and it messed up all my numbers for players and such. They have since fixed it for newly imported teams but that doesn't help me, with my 30 teams to edit EVERY SINGLE NUMBER or re-import them and change EVERY SINGLE NAME of my team because it imports them as "team name - SMB2" instead of just the team name. I write the review out of frustration because after being so hyped for a 3rd installment of my favorite game series, its not ruined it to the point that I don't even play either games. Its sad really. If I could, I'd wipe this game from my memory bank and just blissfully play SMB2 not knowing better features exist, but with infinitely worse gameplay.

EDIT(continued): After playing another 50 hours in the game, I can confirm a lot of the problems I had with the game have either been fixed or were placebo.
The things fixed: Players getting doubled up too easily. The first baseman not catching balls he should. The teams being imported more correctly, with the numbers accounted for.
The base running takes some getting used to if you're used to SMB2 base running. I still find myself messing it up occasionally, but overall now that I've gotten used to it and I think figured out a control method I didn't know existed before(Speculation, I can't remember the specific issue I had).
Overall I'm getting used to it more and more.
I still would really like a trade option for franchise, and outside of franchise I would like a "copy" or "move" player to another team. It's a big pain to move players from team to team as it is right now, takes about 5-10 minutes per player.
It feels like hitting homeruns with balls low in the zone is impossible. Even if I get good contact on it, seems like it always ends up as a line drive or base hit, even if a powerful hitter. Makes the low ball perk pretty worthless IMO, unless it's on someone who only hits for average. Just seems impossible to get under the ball when its low in the zone.
Overall I still probably can't recommend this to someone who enjoys SMB2 as it is right now. They only massive upgrade I can see from 2-3 is Framerate and the Franchise mode. The small upgrades include the addition of a DH spot, the perks are interesting, and the 4 new parks are a nice addition.
If you are new to the series and are looking for a Baseball sim for the computer, this is EASILY your best bet. There isn't even another option until MLB2K makes its way to pc. And even then, the more arcade-y feel might be what you're looking for. It's a blast to play casually.
Posted 21 June, 2020. Last edited 18 July, 2020.
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1,039.8 hrs on record (300.0 hrs at review time)
Best baseball game on PC by far. Amazing game
Posted 12 October, 2018.
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