jakey   Bahamas
:Uranium: that ass can really irradiate :Uranium:
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get fucked, profligate
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Bowen 2 Thg01, 2022 @ 10:15am 
His reply was non-committal " I am what I am, yeah "
Bowen 8 Thg05, 2021 @ 11:13am 
It happened on a tour of the BBC
They were showing us how they make TV
The Blue Peter gardens, the studios, the rooms for the stars to change their clothes
And even round the back where the rubbish goes

I was looking down the hole
Someone gave me a boot
And that's how I ended up down this chute
Up and down, and down below
Twisting and turning, where does it go?

oh hello (down the chute)
I'm afraid there is no escape (down the chute)
buried alive in video tape (now you're trapped)
In one of the BBC tips (while you're here)
Let's watch some video clips
Bowen 27 Thg02, 2021 @ 2:42pm 
Bowen 22 Thg12, 2016 @ 7:46am 
You've been mowed down by the ISLAMIC TRUCK OF TOLERANCE. You must post "Allahu Akbar" in this thread or you will be called a racist intolerant bigot by everyone you know.
|religion of peace ||l “”|””\\__,_
|______________|||__|__|__|] __ |
Spoka 13 Thg12, 2016 @ 2:46pm 
you don't form at all