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Tercatat 12.2 jam (Telah dimainkan 7.3 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Bait product, more like testing envinroment for modders than game for players.
It is not worth the price tag currently.
Modernized UI is worse than Arma 3.
Inventory system and arsenal are terrible.

Diposting pada 13 Mei 2024.
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Tercatat 1,146.9 jam (Telah dimainkan 972.9 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Originaly I played Arma: Cold War Assault for its singleplayer and except the Contact DLC I must say that Arma 3's singleplayer is NOT that appealing.

If you want to play this game I recommend you to heavily mod it and play it with other players as Fun-Mil-Sim in multiplayer, thats where the fun is.

Technical state of base game is terrible, game does not utilize you hardware well, if you add mods, your experience will be very cinematic (less than 30fps on average). There are extreme amount of bugs both in vanilla game and mods. But thats all part of experience.

Game is carried by modders and multiplayer Fun-Mil-Sim.
Diposting pada 13 Mei 2024.
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Tercatat 136.5 jam (Telah dimainkan 46.0 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Game is way too complicated and not enough explained. There are way too many systems that you need to tackle in order for game to be playable and that applies even when you are following online builds.

Instead of those systems being introduced one after another, you need to deal with all of them in same time. Absolutely scary passive skill tree will become the least of your problems. A lot of things are not properly explained and if I did not have friends to help me tackle them, I would be unable to even beat the main campaign.

Itemization is way to complicated. It does not help that drops seems to be with so much RNG layers that it could possibly rival to LostArk's systems. I would prefer some way to guarantee drop of better item or atleast feel any kind of direct progression path outside RNG.

Plus the game UI/UX is absolutely horrendous Resurrect in town button next to Ressurect in town button is just a top of the iceberg...
Diposting pada 12 Mei 2024. Terakhir diedit pada 25 Mei 2024.
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Tercatat 131.6 jam (Telah dimainkan 45.3 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Game was very good until plagues were introduced into game. It might be realistic but it is certainly not fun to play against. With the 867 start, there are absolutely minimal way of plagues counterplay, its absolutely a hindrance that does not bring any new fun gameplay into the game.

Even after patch 1.12.5, most of unfun patterns in game still persists. I request that plagues to have option of complete disable that will not affect ability to get achievements. Until then, negative review.
Diposting pada 12 Mei 2024. Terakhir diedit pada 25 Mei 2024.
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Tercatat 513.2 jam (Telah dimainkan 504.6 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
I have desperately tried to make EVE work however even after 500 hours ingame and significantly more time trying to understand the game on wiki and/or other player made resources I was unable to progress in any meaningful way.

I would like to mention is the game UI which makes almost anything extremely hard to find. Then there is also an issue with needing significant amount of time investment for game to become even playable. That issue is complemented with extreme difficulty of game systems together with almost hostility of game community towards new players in both PvE and PvP environment.

Most of content I interacted with had no significant impact in the world nor for me personaly (in terms of progression and stuff). There is also a significant downtime while playing the game in almost everything you do. Most of content game's content is waiting, which would not be that big of an issue having the community to fit in, however I was mostly being rejected/kicked from corporations for genuine interests and trying to improve in game.

I always flew alone. Most of time I had bad time but I really tried to make it work.
Diposting pada 12 Februari 2023. Terakhir diedit pada 12 Februari 2023.
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Menampilkan1-5 dari 5 kiriman