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22.7 hrs on record (21.5 hrs at review time)
Against all odds, bloober team actually pulled it off.
I dare say this is the definitive way to play it. It may not convey all of it's emotion, and eerie feelings of the original. I think it's impossible to get this feeling if you would play the original for the first time now, anyway.

The game is amazing, the story is untouched, or maybe even touched-up at certain points.
The town is incredible, locations are faithful and jawdropping.

The performance is not great though, so beware of this. But my game ran fine to great, and never had major issues.
Posted 22 October, 2024.
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234.2 hrs on record (171.4 hrs at review time)
Posted 12 November, 2023. Last edited 21 November, 2023.
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270.2 hrs on record (104.6 hrs at review time)
It was quite a fine game. It had massive problems like random crashes. It never got fixed.
The game is only getting worse with weird immersion breaking and just straight up annoying skins. This is not fortnite, I thought.
Posted 23 November, 2022. Last edited 19 October, 2023.
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7.1 hrs on record
One of the best coop experiences you can have.
There are so many different mechanics for every level and how you have to interact with the other.
Posted 26 November, 2021.
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24.1 hrs on record (23.3 hrs at review time)
I love this game. There is so much attention to detail to make this feel like one of the most immersive VR games.
Posted 24 November, 2021.
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207.7 hrs on record (65.1 hrs at review time)
The game with all the updates and the new DLC is a pretty solid game. It is much closer to what they have promised, there are less bugs (but still way too many). The game only crashed once in an extra 80 hours of gameplay. And I am using mods. So who knows where it came from.
The game is not perfect, but it is so much better than before. And now with the game not breaking down I can enjoy the story a lot more.

First off I wasn't hyped for the game at the beginning, but was curious. I tried to keep as much news of this game away. After the gameplay trailer I had confidence that this game would be at least be good and interesting.

If CDPR never promised all the features they cut it would be a pretty good game. But now it just feels like we got the empty shell of what the game was supposed to be. Just another open world game with a lot of recycled content.
And these things wont get fixed, it is to much in the core game that you can only hope for fixes, but the game is dead outside of the story missions.

The good:
- Graphics. If you have a PC good enough to crank those graphics up. The game looks beautiful and the city seems to come alive from that alone.

-Story. The story is very good, it wasn't what I expected (I'll go into this later) but it did rope me in, The acting was good and the character were interesting and I started to care about them.

-Side Missions. Again like the story, the few side missions are good, because of the characters and acting and story writing.

The bad:
-AI. The AI is horrendous. The city feels alive because of the looks. But the city feels dead because of the NPC's. Wether it is civilian pedestrians or drivers. Or police AI that spawn out of nowhere and vanish into thin air. The AI is horrible. It takes you right out of the game when no one acts like even a little bit of a human.

-Choices. The choices in this game matter little to nothing. Every dialogue option is a question which won't continue the conversation or quest. Or a few choices on how to continue which are "Grumpy OK, happy OK or neutral OK". You can get a few new side missions or endings through this. But nothing really changes. You are on a set path, and nothing will change that.
Repeated voice lines. Some times, but often enough. Not even for minor conversations, but pretty big and emotional conversations.
The options are often not even close to what V eventually says. If you want to be nice you often times can't. Even if the dialogue option looks like it. Or vice versa.

-Romances. Like the choices. Almost non existent. For every gender / sexual orientation there is 1 option. Unless you are bi, then you can choose 2. But if you are gay or straight. too bad, only 1. Even though the storyline for this is pretty good. you can't do anything else with them. Outside of missions they are just drones with 3 lines.
Also you can only visit 2 sexworkers, one male, one female. In the entire city, only 2. With a few scenes here and there but those are once and add nothing, and is more mission related than anything else.

-Customization. Once you are out of the character creation (which is lackluster) you cannot change anything.
No tattoos, no hair, no implants, no facial hair. Nothing.
Except for cybernetics, which don't get a cutscene or anything, and are almost never visual. You just buy them through a inventory screen and place them.
You can changes clothes which were advertised as being pretty important, but they aren't. You change clothes because of armor and perks, not because something looks cool. You can't transmog your gear or turn off hats or face gear.
You can't customize your apartment. There is also only 2 "homes" you get, which are story based. You can't buy any new home.
You can't customize your vehicles. You also need to drive to a location to buy one. You don't have a garage.

No matter what you choose, what you do. You are not V. V is a character, nothing you do changes his/her personality. If V doesn't like someone, (s)he doesn't. No matter if you want to be nice or not. V decides.

-Cut content / Nothing to do outside of missions
You can't go to a bar, sit, drink, call friends, hang out, do something with your romance. Nothing
There seems to be so much, but every time you think "Can I do this?" you can't.
This doesn't feel like the immersive cyberpunk RPG sim they stated it would be.
Almost nothing they advertised is in the game. Except the game world.

-The bugs and glitches. Everyone knows about these. But my game just fell apart at the seams at the final mission.
Crucial moments didn't trigger. Had to reload several times to get an NPC in the right place to continue.
AI / pathfinding went all out the door. enemies stumbled to find a place to stand and shoot, they came out of vehicles T posed and rotating every way.
Enemies ran through walls / obstacles / vehicles.
Some didn't even enter the area they were supposed to be.
Walls didn't want to render at all. I could see into the void.
Animations didn't trigger or were completely busted. Going into idle, t-pose, walking etc.
Voice lines didn't trigger at all, or played twice.
Sudden insta deaths with no reason as to why (no damage taken)
Lipsync got busted several times.

And all these bugs were only in the final mission, and I probably forgot some.
Other bugs are:
Not being able to pick things up.
Cars suddenly flying through the air.
Clothes / hair disappearing.
Trash/boxes etc just suddenly exploding because they popped into existence just a second ago.
Kill boxes in areas you can double jump to.
Getting stuck in random places with no way out.
Jumping on fences and whatnot increasing your speed so you instantly die.
All of the NPC behaviour stated above.
Vehicles disappearing on the horizon. You almost always drive alone one you get onto the freeway / outside the city. Even tough in the distance it seems like the road is full of vehicles. The closer you get the more despawn.
Posted 19 December, 2020. Last edited 19 October, 2023.
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32.6 hrs on record (1.5 hrs at review time)
I was very excited about this remake, but also very sceptical.
Mafia 1 was one of my favorite games back in the day, and Mafia 3 was a disaster for me (looked good, good story when it was there, but nothing MAFIA and the missions were horrible and boring).

So this game, it actually stays true to the original, some characters have been changed a bit like Tommy, Paulie and Vincenzo, but it is not bad by any means, just different.

The city looks amazing, every thing feels more alive, the characters, the city, the streets, the cars. Everything just feels right.

Some things I did not like were some of the animations, like throwing a molotov etc, its just awkward, as wel as jumping down ledges etc looks just goofy.

One big change they've made is that the city and country side are now a seamless transition, although it may not look like much, it adds so much.
I've also read that some people are having problems with the graphics or the download itself. So beware about that.
I have had no problems other than the mouse being pretty jittery, but the frame rate is a constant 60fps (I locked it there).
Posted 24 September, 2020.
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0.6 hrs on record
I couldn't play longer after a tedious amount of cutscenes and dialogue. And worst of all is the main characters constant talking to himself. A bad voice actor, probably place holder, to begin with, but the script is even more horrible. Don't finish this game, or remove all those things.

The constant "right, yeah, okay, huh right yes" is annoying me to no end.

and after you can finally walk again you get tutorial tips onscreen.
Have you people ever played a gothic game? Does this look like one?

In my opinion you should go back to scratch, remove all the silly dialogue, the braindead tutorials and cutscenes.
It feels really condescending when the main character has to say everything because you think we're too stupid.

And of course it's an early build/teaser, but the game runs like utter crap, it's both 30-40 fps on epic as on low.
Posted 14 December, 2019.
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20.6 hrs on record (18.9 hrs at review time)
I'll keep this short:

The game is great, a brilliant blend of Uncharted and Dark Souls. It takes influences from a lot of genres and styles and it works.
Now there are some glitches and bugs, sometimes cutscenes can be goofy, but it still works for this game, it feels narrative driven and these cutscenes work.

Now the best part of the game is how a droid is the most charismatic. You feel a connection with BD-1 directly, and during the story this will become more apparent. It can only use droid noises, but the animations are use of sound is done so great that you will care about BD-1.

A game I can play for an entire day and not get bored and even forget time. I haven't had this in years.
Posted 30 November, 2019.
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14.4 hrs on record (10.2 hrs at review time)
A very realistic shooter.

Great gun play. Tactical combat.

Sometimes FPS drops suddenly for no reason, but they stabilize eventually
Posted 1 July, 2019.
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