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Seuraa tätä käyttäjää, jotta näet, kun hän julkaisee uusia Steam-oppaita, luo uusia kokoelmia tai julkaisee luomuksia Steam-workshopissa.

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Actinium / The Series
Kokoelman tekijä Skyferret
A 6 part series with a combination of overgrown and BTS.
Kokoelman tekijä Skyferret
A collection of 3 maps consisting of industrial, BTS and test chambers in reconstruct style.
Kokoelman tekijä Skyferret
A 3 part series consisting of mostly BTS theme. You start in an abandoned industrial area and continue to work your way up to a more clean style BTS. The series is a continuing ascent through BTS areas including bounce gel, lasers and light bridges. Some u
Wheatley's Reprisal The Collection
Kokoelman tekijä Skyferret
A collection of 6 Wheatley themed maps. These maps include test chambers, moving test chambers and BTS themes. Some include factory and underground. Bottomless pits and water for you to fall into. But try not too because that's what Wheatley would want. Me
Kokoelman tekijä Skyferret
A 6 part series in Industrial/ Underground/ Reconstruct themes. Each map involves repulsion gel. There is also tractor beams, fizzler fields, light bridges and some portal flinging.
Flip These Puzzles
Kokoelman tekijä Skyferret
A collection of puzzles themed mostly with flip panels. Some are just basic portal flinging from one panel to another, or multiple flinging using more than just 2 panels. Some involve panels, portaling and laser redirecting as well as directing funnels. Th
Perpetual Corridors
Kokoelman tekijä Skyferret
A collection of puzzles based on corridors. These could range from small corridors like hallways leading somewhere like other chambers, or one large corridor divided into sections.
Verticular / The Series
Kokoelman tekijä Skyferret
A series of puzzles based on working your way up to the exit vertically. They all have the uniqueness of glass floors between levels as their signature to this series. Coversion gel, tractor beams, and lasers are some of the themes to each puzzle in naviga
Sivua kohden: 9 18 30