Sir Slaughter
Sir or Sir S or SS   Malaysia
Current Status :So much commitment,so less time
OC made by Mifflue (

~Random Stuff~
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Currently Online
Screenshot Showcase
~Welcome and Enjoy your Stay~ (´・ω・)っ
:terraria: PLEASE READ HERE :terraria:
Trading status :DealersEye:Im not accepting trade sorry :DealersEye:
:catpaw:tell me the reason of adding me in the comment section below:catpaw:(exception to those that i add)
:angry_creep:Wont accept friend request that are private or a random add without reason :angry_creep:
If my status is:-
:2016snocone:Online= Basically im infront of my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ monitor but dont do *****,So hit me up with something ^.^.
:csgoct:Ingame=Wont answer till my game finish probably
:2016skull:Offline=Dont bother talking,you can leave a message:rage:
:angry_creep:Busy=You shouldnt be bothering me,i reply later :madelf:
:shadow:Away=Either watching anime or just afk or non steam gaming..
:catpaw:Looking to play=self explanatory, i doubt i put this even once
:DealersEye:Looking to trade=self explanatory, i doubt i put this even once
:Clot:When i mean urgent i meant it like you need a quick answer from me but other than that all my status you can just leave a message and i reply later.:Clot:
:crystal: To those that do not know me,heres a summarised detail of me :crystal:
:roll:Name: Stick to my username or nickname :P
:roll:Gender: Im gender confused, Refrain from asking
:roll:Likes:VN games,History,Anime,Facts,Military,Something Fun?,Conversation with people (if they want to),helping others (if they/myself want to),RTS games maybe theres more?:CuriousSion:
:roll:Im quite open minded person and very friendly,hit me up if theres something worth sharing
:roll: i rather keep my stuff at personal level unless youre close to me..... well good luck :d
:roll:if given the opportunity to slaughter,yeah ill slaughter :masonfist:
:roll:Dont really have a favourite on just about everything..
:roll:Im a passive person,if you dont talk to me neither i do to you
:roll:I keep a tight group of friends that I play with..
:roll:I really like to keep my friend list as little as possible but maybe a simple reason is good enough for me accepting you as a friend.
:roll:Not much of a social bug,so do forgive me if i ignored you (Preferably if you start the talk),I wont bite or not which i dont really mind cuz i too have my own things to worry about XD.:kimikat:
:roll:Im quite shy and akward when it comes to meeting new people >.<,but once i known you for some time it easily vanished :o.:octodad:
:roll:Not a busybody person,I tend to check my own things only
:roll:If i somehow made you upset or mad please do tell me i may not know how i did it :steamsad:
:roll: If you somehow piss me off, I'll have you know theres a button called block and unfriend...
:roll:Losing isnt really a big deal for me not that i wanted it to happen but ***** happens right?.Unless if you like always being a winner i suggest dont invite me in games cuz i dont think you wouldnt want a carefree people like me ruining your winnings right?
:steamhappy:Anything else you wanna know feel free to give a holler:steamhappy:
Thanks to everyone that had time to read everything, doesnt matter stranger or friend.
:2016imnotcrying:You may leave from my life as you please but dont expect to come back again:2016imnotcrying:
My Motto: Always keep an open mind and embrace individuality! everyone is special in a way
Have a hug personally from me (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
Recent Activity
94 hrs on record
last played on 23 Mar
86 hrs on record
last played on 23 Mar
10.7 hrs on record
last played on 23 Mar
Bozsi 14 Jan, 2023 @ 7:15am 
When is 9-nine- stream!?? :catkiss10:
Bozsi 25 Dec, 2022 @ 12:46pm 
Based Aokana reader.
MJayK 24 Dec, 2022 @ 12:14pm 
:nssnow: Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year filled with love, laughter, and all your heart's desires! :Big_Heart::nssnow:
Katlan 27 Sep, 2022 @ 4:33am 
╔══════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╗
If you are a beautiful strong black woman, someone will put this in your comments.
╚══════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╝
MJayK 20 Feb, 2022 @ 5:55pm 
Have a nice day! :cocochan2::nekoheart:
MJayK 25 Dec, 2021 @ 1:02pm 
Merry Christmas :nssnow: :nekoheart: