Dr. Oxykush
Cocos (Keeling) Islands
Plasma 2023年11月22日 12時47分 
he harassed me in a sports bar and he got banned for it
Homer 2019年11月13日 12時08分 
hey chief. no need to come in to work later. were having some problems with the toilet after your Kebab-infused ♥♥♥♥ you had earlier.

The Jungle VIP 2019年1月24日 16時03分 
-rep noob
Haeleth 2018年8月30日 16時13分 
You seen my son?
MY_Axio 2018年3月11日 6時08分 
interprets fake slat as joke with real salt. then he depressed
Aphex Twink 2018年2月28日 16時03分 
thicc and dairy