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6.9 hrs on record
Such a great game. Also great on mobile too!
Posted 29 November, 2024.
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91.1 hrs on record (65.9 hrs at review time)
One of the best games ever made
Posted 22 August, 2023. Last edited 22 November, 2023.
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7.3 hrs on record
Posted 29 June, 2019.
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16.4 hrs on record (15.3 hrs at review time)
I miss half-life 2. After playing through it multiple times, you just get shot in the heart countless time.. 11/11 </3
Posted 23 November, 2016.
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14 people found this review helpful
3.0 hrs on record (1.8 hrs at review time)
Archeblade is a fun game, full of intense moments where you can either own everyone or just.. die and fail miserably.. Once you've learned how to control a caracter, it becomes a very deadly caracter to the others. BUT, besides all the good things, there is one massive flaw (Atleast, for where i live in my area then) and that is; Both the amount of avalible servers and the size of the servers. And when i mean size, i mean the amount of players playing. Why? Well, just 30 mins ago i decided to play it. I joined a server, which said 0/10, it's full. Alright, thats k. The other 2 servers, both 0/8, also full. And then you've named all the servers which are avalible for me with a reasonable ping, as the other servers have over 250 ping for me, resulting in a instant DC.
But, its still a fun game nonetheless, its quite hard, but rewarding, just as i like the games i play
Overall, a 9/10 (:
Posted 26 April, 2014.
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1,010.3 hrs on record (968.0 hrs at review time)
Garry's Mod.
I don't know what to say. It's just a million (small) game(modes) in 1, just too epic. I've been playing G-Mod for as long as i can remember, and hell, i loved it, even when i was 14. I got it on my old account (which got hacked, sadly) and played it for a while, on a TTT-Server (Which still has a special place in my hearth, the true first community i've been in) but, after some complications, i got perma-banned, and took a loooong break (about 2 years) so, last year, i decided to boot up G-Mod again, and what do i see? A good ol' TTT-Server called: CatCave. I was on a search of a good TTT-Server for a while, but for some reason, CatCave just called me, saying: COME PLAY SIFI. So i did, and hell, i went from 403 to ~840 hours just on CatCave. My life, was officialy complete. Up until when CatCave closed shop. I was sad, very sad. So, i took ANOTHER break, and instead, started playing CS;GO and Skyrim etc. Anyhow, then in November, i contacted the owner (which is someone I still talk to :D ) and asked him to re-open the server, and after a while, poof, we started playing again. and, what do i know, i got a rank. I was SO happy, i had moderator in old CatCave, but this time, i got Admin. But, ofcourse, i didn't abuse it.. atleast, not when there were new/old players on the server :D
But, sadly, once again after some complications, CatCave shut down once again, with no sign of it returning this time, i just gave up completely, on both G-Mod and TTT-CatCave.
Anyways, about G-Mod rating. It's hard to say, seeing it has so much content, but, overall, for a game this old, it's a majestic 10/10 ! Why? Well, it has so much stuff, countless gamemodes, countless servers, tons of fun!

I suggest you really, really buy this game! Only downside is: they shut down the ingame workshop alike thing, and instead, went over to workshop. This hit me, as i had so much fun with the ingame-workshop thing (forgot name D: All I know, what that it was in the W menu)
Overall: A 10/10! Definitely a must buy!

Hope you enjoyed my review!
Posted 29 March, 2014. Last edited 11 August, 2024.
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69 people found this review helpful
0.4 hrs on record (0.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review

Well, as much as i like this game, i can't get over the fact that it is buggy. Sure, its early access, and i know that this game is new, but its not really a stable game right now. I do however like the game, nice idea and all, not too many servers, but the game is just fresh, you can see that they actually spent time in this game. So i actually recommend it. But only AFTER the early access (Maybe the Alpha / Beta stage of the game) But, overall, nice game, besides the stability issues that basicly break the game, as for me, after 6 minutes, it crashes. Every time, but hey, early access people. things are bound to change.
As for now, a 6.5/10, just for the idea, the gameplay, although the controls are horrible (for mac users, for pc, in my opinion, its great.)
Posted 1 March, 2014.
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1 person found this review helpful
1.1 hrs on record (1.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
So, all of the sudden, this game popped up in my steam library, my little brother downloaded it, so i was like: Oh, lets try it out then i guess. After 30 mins (Couldn't play more because of irl stuff happening) I was quite happy that i found the game.
Ofcourse, some cards are too op, some require nerfs and others are too weak, making it impossilbe to win with them.
But besides that, looking at the whole picture, its an amazing game, im not quite the fan of card-like games, but this one seems different, it seems much better, anyways, i recommend you play this game, its quite fun, and there are some amazing moments where you just make sick combo's :)
Overall: A 8/10, as it has some balancing issues, but still quite fun :)
Byee :D
Posted 24 February, 2014.
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2 people found this review helpful
20.9 hrs on record (18.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Rust, a game of survival, fun, and (clan) wars, from my experience, solo-ing isn't as fun as playing with friends, you can make the naked KOS squad, or you can be a friendly noob helper, or just your average player.
Its fun, great gameplay, although there are some annoying bugs, like animals who hit you through a wall, you proceed to die, and then the respawn at camp (bed) is broken. Happend to me twice..
Anyways, i recommend you play this game, its fun to try out and if you find a server which you play on daily, its even more fun!
Overall a 8.5/10.
Posted 24 February, 2014.
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1 person found this review helpful
239.4 hrs on record (11.3 hrs at review time)
This game is really good, and not good good, but so good, it will explode your brain *Don't take it too literally tho*
Its about you, a Tenno, which will stand up, and kill everyone.. Well, not everyone, but most of the enemies, including the Grineer, so this game, is just a freerun run&gun magic game, interesting boss-fights, and new-player friendly, which is always good. It gives you the freedom of crafting your own gun, hence you got the blueprint and the required materials, which are sometimes hard to find, but sometimes as simple of killing everyone and farming the crap out of it :D
The gameplay is hard to master in my opinion, as in the beginning, even if its new-player friendly, the running and shooting mechanics can be hard to master, but if you just put some time in it (Sadly, i don't really have that much time for it because of real life stuff) it will get easier.
Its beautiful, with great graphich, and even a low-end pc can run it on low settings.
Overall, a great game, still some room for improvement on some parts of it, but, for the most of it, its an amazing game, worth the shot to play :)
Posted 25 January, 2014.
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