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1 person found this review helpful
53.1 hrs on record (45.0 hrs at review time)
remember when you used to play with little figurines as a kid, creating scenarios in your head where they fought aliens or bugs as you sat in the dirt making explosion sounds until you got called back inside by your mom to eat lunch?

yeah this is that but in video game form
Posted 18 December, 2024.
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44.4 hrs on record (44.3 hrs at review time)
who the ♥♥♥♥ thought it was a good idea to merge all the modern COD games into ONE 'HQ' that I have to launch each time I want to play a game I bought years ago ?
Posted 13 September, 2024.
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53 people found this review helpful
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15.5 hrs on record (15.4 hrs at review time)
Theory time. Us civilians are a writhing mass of flesh, vaguely connected by vegetative psychological link. Our value is determined by an extradimensional being who is toying with us. We have no capacity for thought, we're simply an ecosystem of flesh.
Posted 5 May, 2022.
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1 person found this review helpful
45.5 hrs on record (21.3 hrs at review time)
yea this is the most fun i've had with a game in a long time
Posted 8 November, 2021.
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25.5 hrs on record (23.7 hrs at review time)
After 23 hours i've finally beat it. This game is one of the most unique video games i've ever played, very interesting to explore and fly around the solar system at your own pace. Once you've begun to pick up the story, the mystery becomes extremely enticing to learn about. I've never had a game force me to confront uncomfortable situations like this before. There are scary games, and there are uncomfortable games, this falls in the latter.

Can't believe it took me so long to get around to this, and it's probably because it's overshadowed by the larger, very similarly named Outer Worlds (which has nothing in common with this beast). I highly recommend picking this one up and giving it a whirl. Going to try out the DLC one of these days too.
Posted 30 June, 2021. Last edited 28 September, 2021.
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147.5 hrs on record (105.1 hrs at review time)
After 105 hours of playing, I've completed the single player story and can put my complete thoughts down.

This is a long game, frankly one of the longest single player experiences I've ever had. I first purchased the game around January/February and have just now completed it (mainly because I'm done with college and have tons of free time) but for the average person I imagine this game will take many a considerable amount of time to complete. At points playing this game again, I did feel that it was drawn out to an unnecessary degree. Some missions could have been removed to save on time, but not many. They all feel reasonably placed in the grand scheme of things (except for some missions in the epilogue .

I originally played this game on release on the PS4, but when I played I felt differently than others about it, as I thought the game had a snails pace and a forgettable map. But I realize now that my issue was eating every piece of main content the game had to offer due to the sheer excitement I had for the months before release. Instead of taking my time, I blasted my way through the story and had nothing really to show for it. I treated this like any other Rockstar game and failed to grasp what truly makes this piece of software special.

I didn't immerse myself.

About a year and some change later, I double dipped and bought RDR2 on sale as an excuse to give my 3070 a run for its money. Turns out, if you play like you are Arthur and immerse yourself in the world... the game begins to truly shine.

Simply put, this is the comfiest game I have ever played.
From the soft guitars perfectly layered in the background as you ride from place to place, to the coyotes barking in the distance, and to the warm glow of the nightly fires you can sit around every evening and talk to those in the gang about… well, anything on Arthur’s mind at the time. Take my advice, when you get to chapter 2 just go explore the world. Don't worry about missions, just go out there and camp, hunt, fish, explore... look at every cabin you can.

Everything you do feels organic when it comes to exploration. You can be on your horse going down the road looking at the trees and suddenly come across a random event, an NPC in need of help. This leads to you going to a new town or discovering a new area... etc. Feels similar to Skyrim in terms of how easy it is to get lost in immersing yourself in the world.

I won't speak much on the story other than it's pretty good, much like everyone else says. Top tier videogame performances here.

My only gripes with this game is that since it's so atmospheric and immersive, it's difficult to hop in when you have limited time and play. This game is something you invest time in chunks, not short 30 min sessions... which makes it a little intimidating to try and play on regular days. Additionally, you'll begin to realize the gameplay loop very quickly for story missions and it kinda sucks. It usually goes start quest > ride horse - talk on horse > do objective/get in shootout > mission end. Also the online sucks.

Highly recommended if you have time to kill or want something slower paced.

FORGOT TO MENTION, in the 100+ hours I've played, I did not have a single crash and no hardlocks. This port is VERY well done.
Posted 14 May, 2021. Last edited 15 May, 2021.
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9 people found this review helpful
5.4 hrs on record (5.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Most tacticool game on the VR platform at the moment. Has potential, but currently is plagued with a ton of issues. Began playing on the stable release and thought it was pretty decent. A few maps for coop and tight gameplay, but the devs decided to allow everyone to be able to go back to 1.7 and try it out as well. And wow, what a difference.

The stable release is like the alpha version of what 1.7 was. What were they thinking removing all that content? It's nothing small either, I'm talking ragdoll deaths for AI - GONE (replaced with a single animation that gets stale), majority of the coop maps - erased, intense soundscape - replaced, night vision - worsened. etc. I thought every negative review was overexaggerating the issue, but my god is it there. I hope the Quest 2 platform didn't make these devs sell out hard.

On top of that, this is a truly early access title, so I don't mean to rag on it too hard, but it needs a lot more time in the oven in order for players to enjoy their time with the game. I constantly get disconnected from games with no error message or hint that allows me to diagnose the problem. I've chocked it up to the game throwing me out whenever it can't figure out what to do when my internet drops. This happened to me nearly five times in an hour, and throws you out of the immersion immediately. On top of that, there is no way to join friends other than through server browser. Additionally, the core audience of the game seems to be divided between normal dudes trying to play and kids on quest 2. Sometimes fun to play with, other times teamkilling for no reason, and there is no way to fight the team kills. Looks like you gotta spend another 5 mins setting up a server/joining one to hope you don't find another teamkiller.

So yeah, to sum it all up, when the game works... it's amazing. Playing on 1.7 is exceptional in terms of immersion and coop gameplay with friends. But the game's current issues and downgrade makes it difficult for me to recommend to anyone. I'll come back to this review when the game receives more updates.
Posted 9 April, 2021.
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2 people found this review helpful
114.9 hrs on record (64.2 hrs at review time)
Although very flawed, I could see the framework of a great game. The world design is the best I've seen in a game. The map is just right with the right amount of city, outskirts and desert, and doesn't feel like a chore when you drive from one end to the other. I am still in awe when I drive past buildings or through the city even with 60+ hours in the game.

That said, this is the buggiest RPG i've ever played. I conditioned myself to quicksave every two minutes not because I wanted to save scum, but because I knew the game would break some way or another. Either by small graphical glitches, funny bugs, or absolute game breaking moments like characters in quests not doing what they are supposed to, softlocking the game, or you falling 2ft and instantly dying, etc. There is so much wrong with this game gameplay wise that it is very difficult to recommend this in its current state. In a couple of months when this is all said and done and a few major patches have come out is when I would say it is a good time to play this one.

The story itself is pretty decent for an action RPG-styled story. But knowing what was promised before the game released, it was a bit of a letdown seeing the game not care at all about your life path choices. I chose the Corpo life path and only saw it come in handy in certain conversations but never truly benefited my character. Regardless of that, I enjoyed it and didn't try to dig deep for things I could get angry about. The side quests with different stories are also very interesting to do and experience. There are plenty to do to keep you sucked in, and I believe I did every "quality" side quest there is. I highly recommend not rushing the story because of this.

So, the major problems I have with this game are bugs, driving mechanics a little wonky, and story being a little dry for an RPG. Other than that, it's a solid game. Play in six months minimum to enjoy it to its fullest.
Posted 31 December, 2020.
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2 people found this review helpful
31.1 hrs on record (12.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
The ultimate game for business majors
Posted 22 December, 2019.
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563.1 hrs on record (515.9 hrs at review time)
Quite literally one of my favorite games of all time. I've dropped thousands of hours across three different platforms playing this game and it is always fun in some capacity. The single player is such a solid experience, with a great action movie michael mann styled story + side missions for each character. Multiplayer is fun with friends as well, as long as you are strictly playing for fun and not to own everything in sight. The new content as of late hasn't really been quality and you can definitely tell, but that's okay for me as I'm already where I want to be. If you're a new player, I'd say avoid the business stuff and just play the heists/regular missions and have fun.

The PC version is exceptional in terms of graphics options and optimization as well. Highly recommend.
Posted 15 June, 2017. Last edited 29 April, 2021.
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