Titty Longballs™ 9 Nov, 2023 @ 1:27am 
Woah💦 Woah💦 Woah💦 Hold on💦 Stick em UP🙆🙆🙆🙆 THAT'S RIGHT🔫 THIS IS A ROBBERY🔫 Hand over the CUMMIES🔫💦💦 and no DADDY😫👨😨 gets hurt 📨Send this to your naughtiest👄 little 👄partners in crime 😏🔫😏🔫 and you'll get 💰💰💰SACKS💰💰💰 OF CUMMIES🍆💦💦💦 Get 5🔳 back, you're a 💓squishy💓 little rebel without a cause💋💋💋💋💋 Get 10🔳 back, you're a 😎😎😎career cummie💦 criminal 🙆🔫🔫 bustin all the daddies👨🌽🍆 banks💰💴 Get 15🔳 back, you're a little 😼😼FAT CAT😻😻 with mad stacks💰💦 of CUMMIES💰💦 Get 20🔳 back, you're the 👑👑CUMMIE 💦💦💦 QUEEN👑👑
Apeugo 17 Jul, 2022 @ 9:51pm 
The guy below me F U C K S
Pengwin 15 Jul, 2022 @ 5:06pm 
i think the most sexually apealing pokemon are each eevelution, lopunny, gardevoir, braixen, phermosa, lapras, primarina, ninetails, sandslash, arcanine, ponyta, ditto, dragonair, articuno, furret, bellosom, marill, misdreavus, suicune, azurill, delcatty, mawile, meditite, plusle, minun, roselia, grumpig, spinda, altaria, milotic, absol, latias, jirachi, vulpix, luxray, roserade, pachirisu, glameow, mismagius, lucario, mesprit, regigigas, snivy, servine, purrloin, liepard, simipour, audino, leavanny, whimsicott, lilligant, zorua, zoroark, cinccino, swanna, deerling, emolga, mienshao, virizion, reshiram, meloetta, fennekin, florges, furfrou, meowstic, aromatisse, aurorus, diancie, ribombee, rockruff, lycanroc, lurantis, salazzle, tsareena, tapu lele, tapu fini, lunala, zeraora, cinderace, greedent, nickit, eldegoss, wooloo, hatterene, alcremie, indeedee, dracozolt, zacian, sneazler, sneazle, goodra, torracat, froslas, sprigatito, pawmi and miraidon. Thank you for your time.
Apeugo 12 Aug, 2020 @ 8:42pm 
Do you ever nut so hard that your dog can sense that your about to nut before it happens because dogs can detect earthquakes and then you actually do nut and the whole house starts shaking and your fish tank glass breaks but it’s ok because u generated enough nut for them to swim in and then all the women within a 10 mile radius senses your massive nut through their genital sensors and they proceed to migrate towards you to create a human mating season. And then you just sit back and realize that you just created your own species mating season
Apeugo 26 Dec, 2018 @ 9:28pm 
Post this windmill on 5 other profiles to keep Steam properly air conditioned
WAI 28 Aug, 2018 @ 10:18pm 
Quillshot, dodge better, chain blade dodge, league is the best game, luis doesn't play trash games :steammocking::steamsalty:
WAI 24 Jun, 2018 @ 5:30pm 
It was ok
boB 1 May, 2017 @ 11:54pm 
now im gonna open my fly
and ur gonna swallo what i GIVE u to swallow
then after ur done swallowin mine ur gonna swallow roosters cus ya dun broke is nose