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352 Hours played
I really... REALLY need to emphasize this... I wanted to love this game so much. From before release, I was part of the "The game is going to be at least semi decent upon release." This was shot by how amazing the game was on release in my opinion. While some issues remained, I was massively happy to be playing the game that I was raised on once again and seeing all the amazing changes they made. While I acknowledge the game had some definite mistakes on release, it was in a state far better than the industry standard has been for other triple A titles (Which I guess doesn't say much but nonetheless)

I had played the multiplayer the moment it came out. I didn't have access to my desktop but my roommate owned an Xbox in which I could the game on (something I wasn't fond of given I haven't used a controller for an FPS in about 7 years but decided to cope just so I could enjoy the game immediately). It was amazing, my friends and I were all playing together and happy to be relieving some of the Halo magic that I once felt back when I played Halo Reach and Halo 3. As the developers seemed to be listening to community feedback so well and doing everything to fix the game, it left me beyond hopeful for the future of Halo. On release I downloaded the game and did nothing but spend time beating the campaign on legendary and trying to explore everything as much as possible. The story wasn't my favorite but the open world was a breath of fresh air and the grapple hook made it even more so (Again, there were issues and I didn't like some of the choices, i.e the inability to replay the missions at my own will as well as the introduction of the new alien faction).

As I beat the campaign, grinded ranked into Platinum VI, and played through the various events... I began to feel bored, it became repetitive and stale. The gameplay was still fun, but the constant stream of mainly 3-4 gamemodes begun feeling lacking. I began feeling the missing features of the lacking of a coop campaign to replay through with friends, lack of a firefight mode to further enjoy the PvE and survival elements in firefight, and finally the lack of a forge mode to test weapons, vehicles, and enjoy an open world where creators could make maps and game modes that would give the game a much grander life expectancy. I had hope for the future as I believed in 343 to continue making amazing choices for gameplay to meet the fans expectation and a return to the halo a majority of us fell in love with. Halo was finally back and riding down a road paved with gold. I stopped playing after finishing my battlepass and waiting till the game had gained the updates we were told would come and the new season was upon us.

This is where I must have found myself being very wrong. Season 2 has come to show how little work is really being done at the offices as all the things dedicated fans have asked for have been met with delays while gamemodes such as the new battle royal have been added in to a half assed degree, leaving a taste in my mouth which leaves wondering why they even added it when so many other games have done a much better job in making a battle royal and made themselves staples within the genre. I don't want to leave a negative review and I don't wanna quit playing infinite as the new season looks amazing season pass wise and I would love to have more gear to earn and worked towards. However, until Infinite fixes itself and meets what its majority of fans have been asking for (Forge, coop campaign, custom games [specifically the kind used for custom forge map games like 3, reach, and 5], and some sort of PvE mode for groups to enjoy such as a firefight, spartan ops, or both. Until these classic staples of the franchise are brought to infinite, I will leave my review and in an act of protest, uninstall the game and no longer support it. I am only one person but if many people would do something akin to this to send a message, maybe... just maybe, we can see the infinite that should have come out given they were given an extra year. Makes you wonder what the state of the game over a year ago was.
God 15 Sep, 2024 @ 4:51pm 