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19.2 hrs on record
Early Access Review
It's a fast paced, fun little game for a few hours. It's a mobile game ported to PC so don't expect any kind of decent UI.

The problem is design choices. There's too many cards, and there's no catch up mechanism other than paying big bucks to boost your collection level.

Collection level is the main (free) way to unlock cards, and these cards are "tiered". They are part of different pools (Series 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5). You unlock them in series order, which means: first you must unlock all series 1, then all series 2, then all series 3 and so on. Series 1 and 2 have small amount of cards so you get them fast (new player experience), Series 3 is ever-growing since they drop some cards from series 4 to 3 every few months. Right now they have like 130+ cards in Series 3.

You get new unlocks very slowly as soon as you get to Series 3. On top of that, most of Series 1 and Series 2 cards are utterly useless with only a few viable decks. The more you play, the more you start to notice how every good card combo needs either Series 4-5 cards or some weird ass enabler that you haven't gotten yet.

On top of that, the game usually pairs you with either bots (not player bots, game bots that the devs put there to "balance" your progress) or with veterans of the game with what seems to be all cards available to them. No in-between.

RNG is also a big problem now with the meta built around "big last turns". You're rewarded by playing 2-3 big cards at the end of the game, or by screwing up your opponent with anti-fun cards (destroy your cards, lock down locations, etc etc).

This added on top of the stupid locations (three lanes with restrictive or positive effects) basically means you may as well play random cards, because you're not going to be able to play half your deck most of the time.

Unless you're a whale or you like repetitive gameplay, i'd suggest against playing this (for now atleast).
Posted 27 May, 2023.
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94.8 hrs on record (5.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Pirated this game for a long time, yesterday i was finally able to buy it and it's 100% worth the price.

The game itself is a great mix of different genres: combat is hack'n'slash like, without so many tedious combos, having great RPG elements and all of that being a rogue-lite. It's a really good mix, really fun to play, with great controls and countless hours of replayability .

The devs just released a major patch yesterday, adding a whole lot of new content, reworking some old content in the way, and balancing things. Today they just released a patch addressing some errors and, based on player feedback, tuning some other aspects that were nerfed/removed with the previous update.

In just 1 day they already did more than other devs do in years, and for its price tag it's 100% worth it. Despite the Epic exclusivity, which i totally hate, the devs deserve the money.
Posted 22 January, 2020.
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4,996.1 hrs on record (4,872.4 hrs at review time)
Not that bad.
Posted 30 November, 2019.
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1,372.3 hrs on record (351.1 hrs at review time)
May change in Y5. They kicked Luke Smith out of the game direction, so they can't do worse... i hope
Posted 31 October, 2019. Last edited 27 February, 2021.
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14.6 hrs on record (11.1 hrs at review time)
I recommend buying this game during a sale.

Considering that it's a pretty old game (10 years!), i feel that this game is good. Just good: not great, not really good, good.

Visually, it's kinda mediocre for its time but not by much. Afterall, it's a game based around its gameplay and not around it's beauty.

The parkour part of this game feels good and fluid in most cases, but with some specific actions stoping that flow by much (e.g sliding).

The gunplay is really mediocre and seems to be forced into the game so they could give you a reason to do what you do.

The story is also mediocre, mostly to give you a reason to not stay in the same level. The storytelling is also mediocre.

The duration is kinda short if you don't mind the collectibles.

It's not one of those games that you can write much about, just play it or watch a gameplay.
Posted 20 May, 2019.
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11.6 hrs on record
Un juego impresionante. Muy viejo, pero incluso a día de hoy puede dar batalla con muchísimos juegos actuales. En su momento tenía unos gráficos impresionantes que si bien no están al nivel de los de hoy en día, siguen siendo muy buenos.

Además de la Historia de este juego, que es increíble pero algo justa (quizá por no haber extendido la franquicia, eso ya es más discutible), tiene algo en lo que muchos juegos flojean: expresiones faciales correctas. Nada de bocas de-sincronizadas o gestos anormales.

Es un juego que todo el mundo debería probar al menos una vez en la vida, así como también Portal 2, pero dejo ahí para no spoilear :P.
Posted 23 November, 2016.
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Showing 1-6 of 6 entries