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投稿日: 2021年3月11日 10時30分
更新日: 2021年4月30日 22時11分

EA's first Battlefront can't believe it's been almost 6 years. I originally played Battlefront on the PS4 with my best friend. We would play that sh*t daily. It got us closer together has friends when I was in a bad place in life. So when we saw it on steam for 5 bucks we thought we would try it out and I still think it's fun. There is a lot more sweats in servers and it's hard to finds games sometimes but, I love just playing a match or two and just feeling what it was like when it first came out just a classic Rebels vs Empire game with my best bud.
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1 件のコメント
Amelia 2024年10月9日 8時55分 
Damn, that's nostalgic AF! I bet it's nice to relive those old memories with your friend. Wish it was easier to find games tho.