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Recent reviews by アニメ鑑賞税

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0.5 hrs on record
game does not even lunch, stuck on black screen with version number in left top
too bad, i played a lot on mobile and wanted to move to PC but seems like it aint happening.
Posted 27 December, 2024.
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100.7 hrs on record

As someone who spent 100H with this game I would highly advise against loosing your time here, here is why:
1. By playing this game you boost it in ranking causing this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ game to appear as most played on steam which leads to misinformating others and does not make sense
2. Leaving PC with this game will most likely cost you more money then you will earn on steam
3. All drops ( at least as long as you are not ultra lucky nor you are friend of dev ) will get you no more than 10 cents, pretty much all of them are worth 0.03 (any currency, where you only get 0.01, the rest go to steam and dev) even after drop rotation those prices will stay where they are right now since there are over MILIONS of those bananas that ppl are trying to sell for 0.03 (0.01)
4. as for me from 100H I've got around 60 bananas where: +/- 50 were worth 0.01, +/- 6 were worth 0.04 PLN, 2 worth 0.09 PLN, 2 worth 0.16 PLN. that gives us around 1,24 PLN BUT(!) only those worth more than 0.04 actually sold which gived me 0.50PLN

For those who do not care and will keep "playing" this game here is my small tip:
turn it only 1-3 times per day for 10-20 min this should give you pretty much the same amount of bananas as if you were to leave it for hours
Posted 28 June, 2024.
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480.3 hrs on record (65.8 hrs at review time)
I loved this game when i was a kid, I stopped playing it daily after a while and was really sad when discovered it got removed. Thats why I'm very happy to see it again
Posted 15 February, 2023.
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983.9 hrs on record (250.4 hrs at review time)
Taki minecraft 2D jednak czasem bywa od niego o wiele lepszy pod względem wielu aspektów !
Mnóstwo bossów i jeszcze więcej przeróżnych mobów oraz zwierząt, pełno ciekawych ( i nie ciekawych) broni,narzędzi, części zbroi (w tym też zbroje tylko dla wyglądu), buffy, potiony, Od ch*jabiomów (aż 40! Jak na taką grę to dużo + już niedługo nowa aktualizacja 1.4 <3 ). Możliwość własnego dostosowania wyglądu postaci, wybrania jej płci , ubrań, koloru oczu/skóry/ubrań.
Gdyby tego jeszcze było nam mało, z pomocą przychodzą nam przeróżne mody które z pewnością urozmaicą naszą rozgrywkę!
Z odpowiednimi przerwami lub zmianami w modach długo wam się nie znudzi ta gierka ;)
Posted 18 April, 2020.
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166.3 hrs on record (85.6 hrs at review time)
dobra na nudy, dzięki addon'om też nie brakuje zabawy gra może stać się monotonna gdy gra się w nią bez przerwy ale 4 mapy ( 1 seria ) na dzień jest dobrą opcją ;p
Posted 8 March, 2020.
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240.0 hrs on record (188.5 hrs at review time)
i was playing this game when it was in beta ... it was ok like bit worse than overwatch and now after 1,5 year break its in version 1.0 so i decided to check whats new and other like that after 7 login attemps i logged in ( 7 cuz i forgot my password but finally i did it) and what i see ... " Your account has been banned. " like srlsy? i got banned for not playing game or what?
Posted 10 May, 2018. Last edited 10 May, 2018.
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1,685.0 hrs on record (1,324.9 hrs at review time)
CS:GO Review
Best shooter game. On unraked & silver there is a lot of smurf and hacks but still best. also i dont really like the new ranks but it doesnt matter.
Posted 24 November, 2016. Last edited 23 November, 2017.
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60.0 hrs on record (25.3 hrs at review time)
I love this game :3
Posted 13 July, 2016.
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Showing 1-8 of 8 entries