牧羊人的餡餅 23. Dez. 2023 um 22:28 
i love swift :D hes a good bloke
Remi 31. Dez. 2020 um 4:05 
Huge Thanks for the gift dude. Happy new year and good luck.
Anne 25. Dez. 2019 um 12:34 
Merry Christmas Swift ;)
and many thank you's
OFFTH3PLANET 17. Sep. 2011 um 4:30 
You're welcome dude!
pat 5. Juni 2011 um 15:51 
pat 20. Mai 2011 um 23:18 
Happy Birthday; best of wishes.
チャブフィッシュ 12. Apr. 2011 um 0:35 
Shiloh 27. Dez. 2010 um 11:38 
¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨ **
****o***♥**o***o***♥ *

Merry Christmas Buddy!
JBytes 25. Dez. 2010 um 16:22 
Merry Christmas fellow rabbit! :D
pat 24. Dez. 2010 um 22:35 
Merry Christmas! Hope you have a good one.
Ambidextrous 22. Dez. 2010 um 0:20 
Axelyte 17. Dez. 2010 um 16:56 
チャブフィッシュ 13. Dez. 2010 um 8:14 
Hi itzzzz Chubfish here with let's thank DOCTOR RABBIT for buying Borderlands. Thanks!
Flowers 8. Dez. 2010 um 15:48 
Play the color game! Copy this onto your status and see what people rate you!

*Red = <mossman=uhoh>
*Pink = You’re cute
*Green = You’re funny.........
*Brown = I used to like you
*Yellow = Your amazing
*Black = I hate You
*Blue = Friends 4 Ever
*Purple = I dont know you..................that well
*White = <mossman=grin>

Blue, Green, Yellow
pat 25. Nov. 2010 um 10:55 
Happy Thanksgiving!
pat 16. Nov. 2010 um 13:38 
Flowers 15. Nov. 2010 um 14:26 
Flowers 15. Nov. 2010 um 14:26 
Flowers 15. Nov. 2010 um 14:26 
Flowers 15. Nov. 2010 um 14:25 
Flowers 15. Nov. 2010 um 14:25 
Flowers 15. Nov. 2010 um 14:25 
Flowers 15. Nov. 2010 um 14:24 
Flowers 15. Nov. 2010 um 14:24 
Flowers 15. Nov. 2010 um 14:24 
チャブフィッシュ 27. Okt. 2010 um 16:12 
チャブフィッシュ 27. Okt. 2010 um 16:11 
i have this one little trick where i tie a tiny inivisible string around every hair on your body and then pull it all at once
Kolmio 8. Okt. 2010 um 11:27 
♥Noodles 3. Aug. 2010 um 0:13 
pat 4. Apr. 2010 um 6:45 
Happy Easter
Shiloh 3. Apr. 2010 um 19:18 
ohoh yeah...zombies...headcrabs...don't forget hawaii...
Shiloh 3. Apr. 2010 um 19:13 
When this is all over, im gonna mate...
pat 12. März 2010 um 12:51 
i am a heron i ahev a long neck and i pick fish out of the water w/ my beak if you dont repost this comment on 10 other pages i will fly into your kitchen tonight and make a mess of your pots and pans.
Swiftlock 15. Feb. 2010 um 21:37 
I'm glad there's no kids around to see this.
Number 17. Jan. 2010 um 9:46 
Go chase that rabbit
FireEgl 16. Jan. 2010 um 22:26 
When this is all over, I'm gonna mate.
pat 30. Dez. 2009 um 20:59 