Manperor of Mankind
Bayern, Germany
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Manperor of Mankind 18 sierpnia 2024 o 14:15 
Sorry, who were you again?
Broken 18 sierpnia 2024 o 13:11 
has no life what so ever and sits on hunt showdown because no body loves his poor lonely soul
nuddel 16 czerwca 2024 o 14:32 
probably wanks for a living
Marcus "2Sturdy" Lauwitt 21 grudnia 2023 o 16:06 
scumage wannabe, your 4 star with a 1.5 kd lol
Keny 12 stycznia 2023 o 13:01 
you were trash talking , whole game you did nothing until i killed everybody and still run away like a puss/y , you are pathetic,
Luckan 23 listopada 2022 o 11:48 
why would io be mad i was dead befor you got there nerd :D im his partner plz get guud coz you suck in game and it seems you allso have no brain to assume im the one you killed nice gameovervieuw