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2 people found this review helpful
15.6 hrs on record
Everyone should give this game a chance. Better than Star Conflict, way less grindy than World of Tanks, takes place in the Allods universe, and I mean you are a pirate killing other pirates in airships! XD

This game is also really fun! Currently there are 6 different game modes, the game is very objective based, so if you just go around and kill enemy players chances are you are going to lose outside of team death match mode battles.

Competitive clan play, called Brotherhood Battles. Through Brotherhood battles you earn exclusive currency to unlock gold guns which grant small benefits to all your ships, as well as get 20 gold crew contract fragments, when you collect 100 you get a random gold crew.

Plenty of different ships that all play different from each other, talent trees, and treasure maps that give you gold, exp, crew members, and even rubies!

I would totally reccomend this game to anyone who is looking for something similar to Star Conflict, or Dreadnought, or Fractured Space, but thats different and more fun ;P
Posted 28 May, 2017.
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50.5 hrs on record (14.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
So the AI is stupid. AoE units will target single enemies that are closest to it when there are a large group of enemies within it's firing arc. AI will chase around a unit and circle around it before attacking. AI will not move or attack for about a second after it is spawned. AI will often sit there and do nothing when mind controlled. Some units will stop attacking after they use their activated attack.

Commander abilities don't work as intended. There are a few that are exploitable, and there are others that affect both enemies and allies when they clearly state they effect either your enemies or your allies but not both.

Units are extremely unbalanced. Some units are the be-all-end-all-only-need-to-make-this-unit, while others are so useless you are not only hurting yourself, but helping your enemy by using them. This goes for all units ranging from early game to end game. While the 3 different factions all have their useful and useless units, 1 of the factions is overall better than the other 2, while another of them is the weakest of the 3.

You're also probably going to have to invest some serious time if you plan on unlocking every single unit for all 3 factions.

And if you have read this far, you are probably wondering why I am recommending it.

Well, this game is awesome. Even with all the bad there is so much more good that the bad is overshadowed. Not only is the good better than all the bad points I made, but the game is in Beta. That means that bad stuff I listed, most if not all of it is going to go away, which will just add onto this games awesomeness.

What makes this game awesome? Well for starters, 3v3 battles are done in such a way that it is possible for 1 person with well timed commander skills, and the right units to carry their team. And 1 or 2 well timed and placed commander skills is all it takes to turn the tide.

Another thing that makes this game awesome, most matches only last about 10 minutes. Meaning you can get several battles in the corse of an hour, see what you are playing against, what starts your enemies and allies are using, and continue to tweak your own build without worrying about losing too much time.

Community doesn't seem toxic. Though most of the communicating I do is through the emotes that game lets you use, but I have had some fun with enemy players using them.

All in all great little gem, and I can't wait to play the game in a few months from now.

TL;DR: There is no TLDR, because if you can't be bothered to take the time to read a review you shouldn't be bothered to form an opinion about what you are reading reviews about.
Posted 23 January, 2017.
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1 person found this review helpful
0.0 hrs on record
If there was ever anything that existed worth wasting 30 minutes of your precious life on, this is it.
Posted 28 May, 2015.
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1 person found this review helpful
69.0 hrs on record (61.5 hrs at review time)
Best damn post-apocalyptic turn based RPG I have played since Fallout 2 was originally released.
Posted 16 March, 2015.
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1 person found this review helpful
86.0 hrs on record (11.3 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Even after I bought this game, and invested a few hours into it, these previews inspire me to want to play it even more.

So if I had to sum up this review into 3 words, it would be this: Buy this game.

Luckily, I don't, so I won't!.... Maybe I shoulda saved that for the tl;dr. And yes, there is a tl;dr, so scroll down if you hate words.

So after like a 30 second little intro, which you can totally skip, you get thrown straight into the game. Which is nice because when you die, restarting takes like 0(thats a zero) time at all. And oh yes, there will be much death.

Now normally, when you play a game, and you die a lot, you aren't usually having a lot of fun. Well thats totally not the case in this game. Although the game is still in early access, that means it might be 30% completed if we're lucky, it still manages to entertain.

When you die, you start over, and you take what you learned and apply it to the new run. In all honesty, I have only made it past the 5th floor once. And... the 4th floor once.... And the 3rd floor twice... on the easiest game setting. XD

When you start the game you pick two heroes you want to take with you, considering right now you only have 3 to choose from, it's not that hard of a choice. As you progress through the game you'll meet other heroes that can you hire with food, so try to keep a surplus at all times because you don't want to miss out on adding a massochistic marine, or a crazy short guy with a sword twice his size to your team. I've only managed to unlock two characters so far personally.

Other things you will run across are artifacts which for research points, you can add new modules to your list of goodies, or even upgrade existing ones. Really awesome, hope to find these early on in a level. In rare cases, you can even find two in the same level, which when that happens, is like winning the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ lotto.

And without further ado, lets get down to the nitty gritty of this review.

The Good: This is the most awesome sci-fi rogue-like turret defensesque RPG squad based retro dungeon crawl game I have ever played.

The So-So: This is the only sci-fi rogue-like turret defensesque RPG squad based retro dungeon crawl game I have ever played.

The Bad: It is not a *multiplayer* sci-fi rogue-like turret defensesque RPG squad based retro dungeon crawl game.(yet)

Lets expand on the Bad: There is no multiplayer, there is no story, there is no tech tree, and thus is no substance.

Lets expand on the So-So: Mulstiplayer is grayed out, the tech tree is grayed out, the story has not been added, the substance does not exist yet.

Lets expand on the Good: There WILL be multi-player, there WILL be a story and quests, there WILL be a tech tree like thingy; and what does this add to this already awesome sci-fi rogue-like turret defensesque RPG squad based retro dungeon crawl game? The most badass thing I have bought in years, duh!

All in all, even if you don't like sci-fi rogue-like turret defensesque RPG squad based retro dungeon crawl games(You sick of me saying this yet? I'm not!), you'll still probably like this one.

Oh, and incase you are wondering why I didn't review things like music, graphics, gameplay, or anything else like that, that normal people review, well lemme sum it up for you.

Graphics: It's pixelated. What more do you expect?

Music: It's very ambiant, changes when things happen, all in all, not the best or the worst, though not sure how it could be better.

Gameplay: It's in Early Access, gameplay is subject to change. Duh.

So to sum it all up, for those of you who hate words, I present:

The TL;DR: Buy this game.

[Hint] I said it earlier in this review.

Sci-fi rogue-like turret defensesque RPG squad based retro dungeon crawl game! ( because I couldn't think of a better way to end this review!)
Posted 12 June, 2014. Last edited 13 June, 2014.
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