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27.9 hrs on record
pretty good and enjoyable. overall solid, no surprise it made a good impression on me like what... 20 years ago???
Posted 14 January.
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15.3 hrs on record
Play original permieter instead. Maybe play the remaster, idk i haven't tried that.

I'd say this would've been a fine expansion if it didn't cut content that was in the first game, as there is no Harkback faction in this game due to addition of new lab and units. Scourge is underutilized in the campaign, could say it's entirely cut from the game too.

But as it stands, it's pretty bad.

Story: it derails into a random mess that makes little sense very fast. It feels too detached from the original story, even if it supposedly expands on events post Perimeter 1. There's too many things that just appear out of the blue and you don't really get any proper set up or explaination of it. Also those are things you would've heard about in the first game if they actually were inteded and not made up on the spot in this expansion

Campaign design: also super lacking, most missions feel short and trivial. Imagine any campaign level from the original game and instead of having an engaging multi-objective level, the level abruptly ends after you complete the first task. The rest of the missions are annoyingly unfavourable to you, where if the AI wasn't so dumb you'd not have even the smallest chance of winning, so your best bet is to nearly cheese the AI.

Writing and voiceover: both come off very amateur. Which would've been fine if the original game also had that issue. I dunno, I don't need to be reminded that "spirits are the archnemesises of the mechanical messiah" every other mission. Yes please, spell it out again for me, i really didn't catch that first 20 times you mentioned that thank you yessssssss talk about yourself in the third person and remind me that you are ThE mEcHaNiCaL mEsSiAh yes do that please yes yes yes.
Posted 14 January.
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0.0 hrs on record
Posted 5 December, 2024.
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65.3 hrs on record (0.7 hrs at review time)
lunar colony
Posted 12 August, 2023.
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20.9 hrs on record (9.0 hrs at review time)
Please do yourself a favor and revert the version to 1.7.0. by rightclicking the game in your library and going "properties->betas" and selecting "version 170"
The anniversary update cuts out indefinite amount of content out of the game in favor of a couple of generally insignificant improvements. (saying indefinite because it removes the level editor and therefore, the ability to play custom levels/campaigns)

I finished the game on the anniversary update twice before googling "why gish on steam sucks" and learning about the update being so terrible.

Once you revert the version, the game is awesome, 10/10, teenager me loved it and me in my twenties still loves it.
Posted 17 August, 2021.
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174.8 hrs on record (48.7 hrs at review time)
it's a fun game when all 42 people who play this game happen to be online and you actually find a match

upd: it's spellbroken now. you could say it got fractured
Posted 21 May, 2021. Last edited 21 November, 2023.
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1,471.9 hrs on record (1,289.6 hrs at review time)
i have sold my life away to play this game and i'd SO do it again
Posted 24 November, 2020.
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175.0 hrs on record (101.1 hrs at review time)
sometimes you just like
kinda experience death
Posted 26 October, 2020.
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26.7 hrs on record (26.6 hrs at review time)
Game itself is good and worth attention and money, but, compared to Rebirth, there are some things I disliked in Adventures

In general
Game is pretty well made, devs did really good job avoiding mistakes done in Rebirth. I personally enjoyed the game, the plot, the gameplay, music and graphics, etc.
I will mention some good things about the game later on in this review, but I actually will focus on things I disliked in the game (is that weird?).
  • Game isn't as linear as WR is. I actually have finished helping 4th outpost before helping 3rd one and it didn't affect plot that much. That's a good thing
  • Good graphics, good music, good plot
  • Exploring world is not boring!

Yet, there are some things that could be done better:
  • (-)Dungeons are lame.
    In game we can see like 10-15 possible layouts for a dungeon and we can always predict where exit is. This is not the only problem with dungeons. Another thing is that they're boring. First 2-3 dungeons will be quite interesting, you'd want to explore them to see... a couple of rooms with nothing inside or an altar that wants to consume your soul charge. But I have to admit, that exploring world is much more interesting than exploring a dungeon!

  • (-)Grind.
    We all know that grinding something in any game is just pain. A lot of achievements and materials shall be literally grinded in WA. In that case you'd have to spend hours just to get a single contract of this ultra rare omen scarab or to get this last orange blueprint that only drops in epic Arena.

Compared to Wanderlust: Rebirth (WR)
WR had a lot of issues, that Wanderlust Adventures(WA) doesn't have and vice versa. Some of the advantages of WA over WR are obvious so I didn't mention them
  • (+)WA is balanced compared to WR
    Compared to WR, there's no way you could call certain class OP or a certain build stronger than other. At least because different builds offer different playstyle. For example, carrying Energy+Ice on mage gives you aoe, control, some protection and mobility, while Earth+Fire gives you a lot of aoe, dps and a lot of protection. And yea, you could combine any elements in WA, unlike in WR you had to stick to either Earth+Fire or Ice+Energy because of how crit mechanic worked then.

  • (+) WA isn't as linear, as WR was
    This one is self explainatory.

  • (+) WA is less hardcore
    I have to admit, WR was quite hardcore. I don't remember if I have actually managed to complete game on medium difficulty, but I do remember that walking through easy difficulty, well, was hard. Wanderlust Adventures is much easier to play solo, and is fun to play co-op.

  • (-) WA is way too causal
    Yet as a WR fan I expected game to be much harder and challenging than it is. Yup, I know, epic difficulty makes it A LOT harder and that's a good thing, but I really do want to mention that easy difficulty is WAY too easy. What I mean is that I died to a cactus in first location when started the game, but as soon as I finished my first quest, whole easy mode was like way too easy. Every mob died to a single spell that I casted. Until I started Epic mode. Epic mode is love.

  • (-) WA bosses are much more boring
    I don't mind bosses be less challenging, but I expected them to be much more interesting, have more interesting movesets and so on. What we've got:
    -a Barbuda without his rage stance, which is boring
    -Slurge is pretty much the same
    -Grizzly became really weak and boring. Basically a no-threat boss, unlike WR
    -Golem thing has REALLY predictable and boring pattern.
    -Blood golem is like M E H. Really boring. This one didn't even heal or become untargetable or something.
    -Cillus. Yes, I am comparing Cillus from WA to Cillus from WR even though this boss' appearance in WR was quite short and I'm sure not everyone will even remember Cillus from WR. Basically, Cillus in WA was really boring. This fight didn't FEEL like the final boss, unlike Zemn in WR. And in general this boss' pattern was similar to Cillus from WR, but you don't really even hit Cillus in WA. I mean, you kill his minions, but how on earth would it lead you towards defeating him? Another thing - Cillus didn't touch you either. Blah blah blah, GIVE ME ZEMN AS FINAL BOSS D:<
    -All the mini-bosses (optional ones), such as yellow slime from Ooze Cave or Grizzly from Smelly cave, or The Watcher from The Portal, etc. are basically nothing special. They all have similar and boring patterns. While in WR we had this jumping fishman lord thing, which was quite challenging
    Just one last thing about bosses: Bosses are not mobile and usually are no treat to you since they're really predictable and struggle vs block or any mobility spell/skill. Unlike, for example, N'veia who had ability to dash around and deal tons-o-damage to you. And if you even manage to block those spells, then she started using her magic powahs to punish you.

  • (+)But there are 2 interesting bosses actually:
    +Crystallis became much more interesting and harder to play against. And is easier to find (DAMN YOU'D NEVER UNDERSTAND HOW TO SPAWN CRYSTALLIS IN WR YOURSELF. LITERALLY NEVER.)
    +Mind Blight was quite interesting boss to see in game. It's cool how devs combined bullet hell with a puzzle game in one boss!

  • (-)The Crawl:
    It's like my biggest complaint EVER.
    The Crawl in WA is literally BORING. You keep killing always same mobs on same arena with NO EVENTS AT ALL!
    While in WR you were fighting at different locations with different mobs (which were stronger, I have to admit). And after you beat 5 rounds, you could start some random events like Epic Sax Guy Blood Golem, or Protect Marty. Even fight Kraken! D:<
    What you get in WA is like a "Grinding simulator" minigame. Which literally is IMPOSSIBLE to have fun at!

  • (-)No secrets, no secret interactions, not that much of interactions in game in general:
    We had a side quest in WR - lead Marty back home. And in case if we'd do that, we'd unlock another quest - to find Marty in sewers. I didn't know about second quest until I decided to play from chapter 1 to 10 in 1 game. Another thing - you can't find a red bARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRell, put it near a crack in a wall and enjoy a secret boss. You actually can't lift red barrels anymore. WA has like no interactions between player and world, aswell as no secrets (or maybe there are secrets, but I didn't find them yet! which is unlikely, since there are no hints anywhere that there would be a secret. for example - no suspicious achievements :P). AND NO MORE EPIC SAX GUY!

  • (-)Escorts are way too easy
    Escrorts are like no challenge at all. Person that you're helping to is like never focused by enemies. Or if it gets focused, you will most likely oneshot enemies. Or die from one hit, because epic difficulty is hard :P

One really important note:
Even though I've mentioned a lot of bad things about the game, I didn't do a mistake pressing "I recommend" button. Those things I mentioned, are things I PERSONALLY missed as a person who enjoyed previous Wanderlust game (Rebirth). Talking about real problems, the game has: there are only 3 things that are actually relevant and bring negative experience: The Crawl, Grinding, Dungeons. Other bad things I've mentioned are not that relevant compared to those 3 and actually is just something I personally wanted to whine about.

With all that being said, I recommend this game to everyone, except those players who loved The Crawl in Wanderlust Rebirth. Let's be honest, in Wanderlust Adventures The Crawl sucks. It really does. SORRY, DEVS D:
Posted 13 August, 2015. Last edited 13 August, 2015.
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1.7 hrs on record
Posted 16 June, 2015.
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