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10.2 hrs on record (5.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
You remember that one underated Van Helsing movie? Imagine yourself as a mysterious killer trained by the church to huntdown and kill evil witches that corrupt the land and its people. You get to arm yourself in your lair before heading out to blast every nasty monster your enemies conjure. With steampunky gothic style weaponry.

Thats what Witchfire is.

Its a roguelike married with doomlike elements. Combine that into a gothic steampunky world with no handholdin after the very simple WASD tutorial. The game assumes that you know what your are doing which shows that the game is made to be played over and over again to better yourself in its harsh and quite dangerous world.

Another thing that I like is that there is no difficulty option. It may feel hard. And thats good!

There is no coop planned as far as I know. Which is not a bad thing, although a game like this would definitely be more fun with friends. This game certainly feels entertaining on its own. Little lore dumb here and there wouldnt hurt though. And maybe character editor? :3

If you like Doomshooters and rougelikes this is your game 1100%!
Posted 10 March.
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112.1 hrs on record (59.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
(Reviewed in Early Access) 8/10!

One of the best automation games out there! Community on twitch is beyond awesome!

Game name says it all. Build Dyson spheres! You need components more than you can count so you must automate EVERYTHING. Visuals are good and game loads fast on early saves so overall game experience is very enjoyable. If you want to get into multi hundred hour saves, you are going to need a beefier pc.

The game overall has very few bugs. Which is incredible considering its scale. You have a cluster of star systems for you to exploit in this endevour. But once you have done your first Sphere... Why stop there?

One thing that I noticed right from the start is that estimating how much you need specific resources to efficiently automate each part production. I came straight from Satisfactory were math was playing a much larger role in planning your factories. The game however does provide you with good tools to improve and upgrade production quantities when needed. And after you unlock drone logistics. Its just a matter of scaling upwards!

Enemies and combat is very simple and I hope it can be expanded on. Cant wait to see what the developers are cooking!
Posted 15 February.
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7.2 hrs on record
Early Access Review
NFT's are a SCAM and you should NEVER TRUST THEM.

I have a secret for a successful games: MAKE GOOD GAMES

Started out as a very promising free to play game. Lacked any decent progression or rewards so its playerbase stood small. I enjoyed its PVE, however it turned very repetitive after a few runs. PVP could have been amazing but I had way too many cheaters or players that play the game on totally another level. Teams would get very unbalanced and matches would last way too long for a modern enjoyable experience.

I loved the gunplay. It felt good and snappy. Guns felt alive and real and not at all peashooters or kitchen appliances.

However this game went hard on NFT's in attempt to get more players. I dont understand how someone can be so out of touch with its community or players to think thats whats going to happen. I honestly think this is just a greedy way to run the game down and make quick cash.

This game gets removed from steam and moved to EGS because of said NFT's.

If instead of NFT's they would have focused on the game itself. Make battlepass/weekly rewards more meaningful. QoL with games more balanced. Expand PVE with more modes and alive.

Its so strange how much gamestudios waste on pointless consultants that extort them with millions just to not get canceled on social medias. If even half of it was used to fund better game. I would gladly pay 30€ for a game like this if it respected its community.
Posted 10 January.
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3.2 hrs on record (2.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Good gunplay.

You need levels to get access to guns which you have to then buy from the shop. That brought me back like 15 years when free2play shooters used to have those weapon rent mechanics.
Time to kill is very quick with headshots.

I dont like that every bullet is a tracers though.

Solid game overall. I like how easy it is. Quick to in-out action is all we need sometimes.
Posted 27 December, 2024.
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238.2 hrs on record
Good job Hello Games! Congrats for sticking to your promise for over 8 years now and taking it above and beyond!
Posted 2 December, 2024.
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13.8 hrs on record (6.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Who would have thought that doing a survivor game with coop in mind makes it 10x more enjoyable and fun. Chaotic fun.
Posted 2 December, 2024.
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204.2 hrs on record (87.4 hrs at review time)
Its really good! Addictive and really pretty when you take a step back and look at the glorious technological spaghetti of belts, pipes, trains, drones and trucks.

Freeform building without any stress of physics or collapsing mechanics. Allows you to focus on what matters and that is exploitation of all kinds of resources in order to save our starving home planet.

You are part of a planet devouring megacorporation that sends you to the surface to build and develop facilities to save our homeworld.
Posted 8 October, 2024.
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9.1 hrs on record
Solid 9 hour story campaign. Ending mission is really epic! I hope we get more!

I think I forgot what it was like to be the target audience. This game delivers Warhammer 40k like Warhammer 40k should be delivered! I wish the soundtrack would have had more to it. Music overall was almost none existant. But the experience was carried with amazing visuals and scenes of pure devotion to the emperor!

This is how you make a game with diversity and inclusion without ruining the original IP or lore of the game. I hope this stands out as an example for other developers seeking to have this represented. DEI should never be the main focus of the game or story. But characters from different origins represented as equals with equal levels of respect. Granted this is a Warhammer 40k universe so everything is grim dark and full of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.

This game is a love letter to Warhammer 40k gamers.
Posted 13 September, 2024.
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2 people found this review helpful
194.4 hrs on record (164.2 hrs at review time)
The First Descendant = Warframe + Destiny is the best way to put it.

Thank you Devs!

Taking the good as well as the bad from both of the games and combining them for a grind that is unsually entertaining for me. Now that the season 1 started they improved many aspects of the grinding experience. Increased rewards and the amount of credits and exp you get is in good level.

Game starts by you going through the main campaign of the game which teaches you the various systems along the way and introduces you the grind that it will be after the campaign. So if you are indecisive, going through the main campaign is probably a good amount of time given to this free to play game before making the decision. Translations and writing is quite bad however so dont expect a great story telling.

Movement and gunplay feels really good. 3rd person shooters dont always nail the feedback of using firearms in games but I feel TFD does it really well. Movement is quite basic run-sprint-jump-doublejump-dodgeroll type of movement with addition of grappling hooks! At the begining you feel little confined with the movement until you learn the art of hooking around maps and or using its provided momentum to propel you across the map like an intercontinental ballistic missile.

The grind can be really taunting. Revolving around mainly drop changes and repetition of missions to eventually gain the items you desire. This type of game is not for everyone. If you dont enjoy grinding an item for 3 - 25% drop chance for sometimes over 10 to 50 attempts. Its not going to be your game. Endgame so far revolves around getting parts so you can craft stronger weapons and decendants. Eventually leveling them up so you can become stronger and melt bosses with single abilities.

The First Descendant is purely coop game with no pvp as of now. Game has dungeons and gigantic bossfights which you can queue up with randoms quite nicely. The game has very little to no toxicity from what I have seen so the gameplay with randoms is quite enjoyable.

Developers are really intuned with the community. Making changes and reacting to concerns players have even as quickly as the next day of implementing an update. Good example is the Season 1 launch with outrageous amount of grinding you have to do SOLO to get the newly released descendant Hailey. The invasion puzzle dungeons required the player to have a very strong gear to handle the enemies all the while dealing with quite simple but yet punishing puzzle mechanics which eventually werent too enjoyable to go through. The developers quickly responded with hotfixes and promises of easing the grind and changing the mission to be played with friends or in public mode. Which in my opinion should have been there to begin with.

The gigantic grind for the new content is obviously to accomodate the easy of purchasing that very content through their ingame shop. Funneling most players to spend their money. Every descendant is available for purchase with real money at all times. Making it easy to choose your main character to go through the game with. Pricing this character from 30 to 60 € depending on the bundle you choose to purchase.

However buying said content is like paying for a free game with less content. This game is about grinding the shiny new thing. Buying it outright would be skipping that content. And like I said before if thats not your thing. Then I cant recommend the game for you.

Overall I find enjoyment playing the game. Gameplay is fun and characters look cool and sexy. Customizing your favourite character is like fashion framing in warframe. It is the best system, much better than forcing the player to wear a miss match of arms and armor just to get the best stats.

Thanks for reading! <3
Posted 31 August, 2024.
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