NorwegianWood 28. Okt. um 14:54 
- rep regarded
D00M 18. Okt. um 5:23 
-rep falseDeutsche and terrible at the same time
BABABOI 15. Okt. um 13:30 
-rep idiot asf
Aozox 15. Okt. um 8:17 
Toxic asfk
Smokeeh! 14. Okt. um 16:42 
it was easy noob
Tiggo 12. Okt. um 12:11 
v1ko 5. Okt. um 11:56 
typical turke that everybody hates
Techhyyy 5. Okt. um 3:37 
toxic player
GaVial 3. Okt. um 14:14 
-rep bot infect:steamthumbsdown:
Shiny 3. Okt. um 4:02 
I am braindead? :DDD Dude, you are literally the most toxic rat ever. Kill yourself useless.
NorwegianWood 1. Okt. um 12:44 
McLovin 30. Sep. um 13:27 
Heil noob
McLovin 30. Sep. um 12:08 
-rep toxic broke and noob af
GaVial 29. Sep. um 6:05 
-rep toxic player
De_constructor of Train 29. Sep. um 6:03 
np for the carry))
renthality 29. Sep. um 6:03 
Aozox 28. Sep. um 10:53 
retarded go on skill.com <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
djembe_man 28. Sep. um 4:31 
retarded bot noob ♥♥♥♥ off
Flick_Aweiro 27. Sep. um 5:44 
i love this guy:alwayschicken::supplies::luv::humansteak::beanz::cms21engine:
grims 25. Sep. um 5:57 
kina 22. Sep. um 2:13 
+rep durex commercial ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ special))
Khan 17. Sep. um 1:02 
had %15 hs rate and call me bot
Khan 17. Sep. um 0:48 
play like 5 yo girl and still cries about other people
♔☦CRUSADER☦♔ 12. Sep. um 10:14 
i wish to visit you and do my Neo stuff towards you smith
Mony Tontana 10. Sep. um 7:07 
- cheater lobby
Dizzy 8. Sep. um 23:06 
+Rep friendly player thx for good game gl hf :)
Meztijin 7. Sep. um 10:59 
let’s go one more
Dili kutya 7. Sep. um 6:05 
full idiot kid delete cs2 go terraria
+Rep, accept me please^^
Sloane 5. Sep. um 5:56 
you probably are dude from mirage
accept me on steam
Emrecan 4. Sep. um 12:49 
-rep boottt
ikukona 4. Sep. um 6:52 
yo mate, add me please :)
Sagar 3. Sep. um 13:04 
Impressive aim, bro
Rexwarden 3. Sep. um 9:56 
V 3. Sep. um 8:53 
small pp like gay
V 3. Sep. um 6:34 
76561199186287119 3. Sep. um 4:55 
Maksimaus 1. Sep. um 4:40 
Maksimaus 1. Sep. um 4:37 
You might not know about it but Your mother and I had very loud, long, and passionate sexual intercourse last night. It was so loud, your neighbors called the police to report a noise complaint, the police thought your mother was in danger from how ear piercing her moans were, and ended up breaking down the door to find me shafting my 10.7 inch rock hard penis in and out of her tight vagina. They were so impressed they stayed to watch. I was shanking it, I was cranking it, and finally, I ejaculated so much it splattered throughout your entire house. I performed so well that your mother, the police, and your neighbors tipped me for it.
Maksimaus 1. Sep. um 3:49 
....... ▄█▓░░░░░░▓█▄
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........ ▀▀▀ ▐░░░░░░▌
TriN1Kg 27. Aug. um 10:42 
кривой членосос
SLAVIK (NUK) 25. Aug. um 1:55 
-rep:steamthumbsdown: во время игры со мой у него умерла мать:boomer:, всю катку плакал :meepdrool:
Rimu<333 22. Aug. um 11:31 
-rep trolling idiot
DBD=comp XD LMAO 14. Aug. um 5:13 
󠀡󠀡 10. Aug. um 12:11 
toxic bot
kamikilla 8. Aug. um 10:56 
german loser
Andy Lubitz 2. Aug. um 9:47 
König vom Kiosk 2. Aug. um 9:46 
Andy Lubitz 2. Aug. um 9:45 
Mr.Silver II 2. Aug. um 9:03 
Feel sorry for people that played with him, what a waste of space, go play offline u get more kills