Lactation Consultant 5 Mar @ 1:54pm 
Vzamp 26 Nov, 2024 @ 5:39pm 
You introduced me to modded Master Duel a few months back, would you be willing to help me with an idea I have regarding that? Basically I was going to demonstrate how to setup & join modded multiplayer since someone asked me how. Feel free to send a FR if you'd be up for that, (although I don't have a "real" mic to use, so text chat would work)
Salad-in 21 Jun, 2024 @ 9:36am 
I was never interested but if you need a sandbag to beat then yeah, I'll help.
Vanom 21 Jun, 2024 @ 9:04am 
Hello, still interested in online achies for Link Evolution?
Deo 12 Aug, 2023 @ 1:13pm 
Hey guys, did you know that in terms of male human and female Pokémon breeding, Vaporeon is the most compatible Pokémon for humans? Not only are they in the field egg group, which is mostly comprised of mammals, Vaporeon are an average of 3”03’ tall and 63.9 pounds, this means they’re large enough to be able handle human ♥♥♥♥♥, and with their impressive Base Stats for HP and access to Acid Armor, you can be rough with one. Due to their mostly water based biology, there’s no doubt in my mind that an aroused Vaporeon would be incredibly wet, so wet that you could easily have sex with one for hours without getting sore. They can also learn the moves Attract, Baby-Doll Eyes, Captivate, Charm, and Tail Whip, along with not having fur to hide nipples, so it’d be incredibly easy for one to get you in the mood.
shinobi 24 Jan, 2023 @ 6:25am 
dont make me nut
Salad-in 19 Nov, 2022 @ 10:28am 
Deo 19 Nov, 2022 @ 10:26am 
Deo 7 Feb, 2022 @ 3:32pm 
I Get Punjabi 7 Jan, 2022 @ 9:21am 
whats your problem
Salad-in 7 Jan, 2022 @ 9:19am 
Get off my lawn you darn kids.
Ninshu 7 Jan, 2022 @ 7:34am 
this guy 💀
I Get Punjabi 7 Jan, 2022 @ 7:26am 
hey i need to talk to neen, can u send him a message for me please? thnx
Lactation Consultant 20 Mar, 2021 @ 9:53am 
PezAvengers 14 Dec, 2020 @ 11:46am 
more comments?!
Ninshu 14 Dec, 2020 @ 11:45am 
>2months ago
>oMg tOxIc cOmMeNtS
PezAvengers 14 Dec, 2020 @ 11:44am 
This comment section is toxic and im loving it...
Salad-in 2 Oct, 2020 @ 9:02am 
Now where's the fun in blocking someone that's so easily wound up?
Ninshu 2 Oct, 2020 @ 7:07am 
its YOUR profile.
that means you have the ability to ban me from here and delete my comments.
so dont give me this ♥♥♥♥ lmao
Salad-in 2 Oct, 2020 @ 6:37am 
Of course I'd visit my profile.

It is MY profile.

Meanwhile you keep coming here by choice, to somewhere you claim you don't care about.

It would be a whole lot easier if you started being honest.

If you're this desperate to talk to someone, I suggest you get a penpal or use some kind of friend finder website.
Ninshu 2 Oct, 2020 @ 6:30am 
hypocrisy? because youre doing the same thing, little brainlet x)
Salad-in 2 Oct, 2020 @ 6:23am 
You keep coming back for more, you clearly want to talk to me.

Are you lonely?

Do you need another friend?

It's okay, don't be afraid to ask.
Ninshu 2 Oct, 2020 @ 6:21am 
why would i want to talk with you? i just gave you a friendly reminder youre a thot
Salad-in 2 Oct, 2020 @ 6:14am 
You see that little "Subscribe to thread" checkbox above the comment box?

Yeah you'd have unticked that already if you really didn't care.

If you stop lying to yourself and admit you want to talk to me, it'd make this a whole lot easier.
Ninshu 2 Oct, 2020 @ 6:03am 
"keep coming back" when its literally just steam notifications
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ dumbass still, i see.
Salad-in 2 Oct, 2020 @ 5:47am 
and you keep coming back.

Suuuure~ You don't care.
Ninshu 2 Oct, 2020 @ 5:46am 
"took the time to come here"
>literally just 1click while looking at 2019 flamewars
Salad-in 2 Oct, 2020 @ 5:15am 
You clearly care very much if you took the time to come here.
Ninshu 2 Oct, 2020 @ 5:09am 
i really couldnt care less what you have to say
was just looking thru your retarded posts from last year
Salad-in 2 Oct, 2020 @ 4:51am 
Now, now, Timothy. Settle down.
Ninshu 2 Oct, 2020 @ 4:09am 
this thot lol
Fish-Shaped Crackers 21 Sep, 2019 @ 9:11am 
Bonus points, He plays brawl-. Which means he's a huge hypocrite to call somebody salty
Salad-in 18 Sep, 2019 @ 11:53am 
It's ironic he's trying to play insults on hour count on a game but he has like 1700 hours on CSGO.
Fish-Shaped Crackers 18 Sep, 2019 @ 11:40am 
Plus, telling somebody to not complain about somebody being toxic on the internet is the most hypocritical, Cyber-bully related thing I've ever heard in my life, Pkus, Your profile looks like every generic profile ever, Idiot uses art work just to complete his background. lmao.
Fish-Shaped Crackers 18 Sep, 2019 @ 11:36am 
Nebula. First of all, Shinden is only toxic to people he's not friends with or people he doesn't know, Once you get to know them better, There not as toxic to you and treat you like an actual human, The reason for this is because (I think) there ability to socialize is below do to something mental, They don't trust allot of people and want to stand out so they can finally be good at something other then socialization. So yes, They are toxic, But there still a good friend. 2nd of all, Mendacious literally did nothing but complain to somebody on the internet and you're over here insulting them for there taste of games? Pathetic.
Salad-in 15 Sep, 2019 @ 1:08pm 
lmao you are really salty over nothing, huh?
Fish-Shaped Crackers 15 Sep, 2019 @ 11:14am 
Nebula, I love how you insult somebody on the INTERNET about being filthy, Even though half of your profile's comment section is nazi symbols and p#rn
Salad-in 15 Sep, 2019 @ 10:46am 
You can swear on the internet, Honey.
Mom and Dad can't see it.
Fish-Shaped Crackers 14 Sep, 2019 @ 2:04pm 
Ur bad at electronic devices that store micro sd cards to play video games.
Salad-in 14 Sep, 2019 @ 2:03pm 
bad 2 the bone baybee
Lactation Consultant 7 Sep, 2019 @ 12:23pm 
Ur bad
Salad-in 30 Jul, 2019 @ 10:40am 
Clearly you do care if you're commenting twice on my profile.
Crimson Moon 30 Jul, 2019 @ 10:34am 
idc either way im just wondering why a random guy cares so much about pictures lol
Salad-in 30 Jul, 2019 @ 10:16am 
Why do you want attention that badly, random dude?
Crimson Moon 30 Jul, 2019 @ 10:10am 
some random dude that comments on profiles looking for attention lol
Heartache ♡ 25 Dec, 2018 @ 2:33am 
Enclave <3
Ty the Smonk 23 Feb, 2018 @ 5:16pm 
Anime is trash fam
Agent Gil 6 Jan, 2018 @ 12:59pm 
I updated the pack with your suggestion. Let me know if it works for you:
Paul 17 Nov, 2017 @ 10:57am 