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2 people found this review helpful
241.9 hrs on record (239.0 hrs at review time)
It's a relaxing game...

Build, Re-build, Build, Re-build, Build, Re-build, Build, Re-build, Build, Re-build, Build, Re-build, Build, Re-build, Build, Re-build, Build, Re-build, Build, Re-build, Build, Re-build, Build, Re-build...

There is always something not quite right after you finish building / optimizing / automating
Posted 27 November, 2024.
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213.3 hrs on record (36.8 hrs at review time)
First thing first, if you comparing it to D3 then yes D3 will be better as they had years of patches and content added to it so keep in mind that more content will be added in the future same way as D3 got more stuff.

Somehow I still enjoy this game, just good game to switch your brain off after work and just keep improving your build and progress with seasonal quests which is why I play diablo. I mostly play solo but for world events there are always people to complete it. New seasonal mechanics are fun as well.

To me £60 is well spend but for some people it might be too much, if you liked D3 at launch but want something more darker then you will like it otherwise I would say get it on the sale or just watch better reviews.
Posted 21 November, 2023.
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46.2 hrs on record (11.7 hrs at review time)
Multiplayer Update: (It doesn't include Warzone 2.0 or DMZ mode as didn't played it) Multiplayer is more fun than I was expecting but also last time I played multiplayer properly was Modern Warfare 3... so yea it was a while ago. While it's fun sometimes I got feeling that me being killed is not due to my lack of skills but other factors e.g., person being way higher level which means they got more upgrades for the weapon so while I got high recoil and need to hit him dozens of times, he got almost no recoil and just need 1-2 shoots to kill me, so yea match making is not always good. Another thing I notice is aim assist for console players resulting with their kills looking a bit off when you are re-watching the kill and feels like it’s not your skill lacking but them having an extra support. Apart from that game modes are fun and overall, its fast-paced games.

Overall Rating: If just for the campaign, then you might want to wait for patches / sale - with multiplayer it might be worth it, however as I did not play it post-release, yet I can't comment on how good or bad it is so will update the review later to include multiplayer part.

Quick note that last CoD I played was Modern Warfare 3 and prior to that the original CoD series (WWII settings) so I’m not following the series as much as other people and this is just campaign as apart from beta tests, I didn’t play multiplayer after launch, so while I enjoyed it, I don’t want to base it on a pre-release version.

  1. Enjoyable campaign – as much as there were some silly/wired moments I enjoyed it although wished it was a bit longer
  2. Non-shooting missions were fun – some people might not like it but sniper mission and chasing one where you needed to be a MacGyver and make all your stuff was fun.
  3. Enjoyed the characters – as I didn’t play the previous versions of the game, this version really made me want to learn a bit more about the characters
  4. Good number of multiplayer modes
  5. Multiplayer is fast paced and quite fun

  1. Buggy – some could even make impossible to complete the missions – some triggered events never played or had infinite spawn of enemies, crashes, and graphical glitches as well.
  2. Save system – there is no quick save/load and game using checkpoints, however they are sometimes trigger too often or too late so I either need to replay long section of the map again if I die or need to restart the mission entirely as it saved me 2s before I’m killed. Also, I had instance (Sniper mission) where I didn’t get any checkpoint triggered since the mission started and when I was killed just at the end of the mission, I needed to replay the entire map)
  3. Difficulty level – I’m fine with the enemies being harder however on Veteran their aim is an aim bot on cheats as had instances where enemy headshot me over 500m distance with the pistol when I was crouching behind the cover… from what I saw on that difficulty when you are not behind the cover enemy will hit 100% shoots which feels bad as I would rather have enemies having more HP or better armour.
  4. Match making is not always good and matching you with players who are way higher level = got more unlocks = their weapons are better to control/hit harder than yours
  5. Console players aim assist sometimes makes the kill feel unfair
Posted 30 October, 2022. Last edited 24 November, 2022.
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6 people found this review helpful
8.3 hrs on record
Note: Could not get controller working with this game so played on keyboard.

It’s really well done game, nothing innovative but good solid mechanics, good progression system and on top of that soundtrack and graphic gives that old school feeling.

Even if you remove R18 elements the game is good, took me 8h to 100% complete it by playing casually so it’s worth asking price.

Posted 5 December, 2021.
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1 person found this review helpful
33.4 hrs on record
Ok before I start let me say I never played first game and I almost always play using keyboard and mouse as I can’t play games using controller well, however I found this game more enjoyable by playing on the controller, so that out of the way lets move to my thoughts on this game.

I must admin that platformers are not my favourite genre and I often do not finish even main story as games often lose my interest, find some game element or mechanic really annoying or simply didn’t had time so took a break and when I back I forgot everything, so me 100% completing this game, even after a break, means a lot.
Not only all the platforming was at right level. The occasional combat sections were also giving me enough challenge and the fact that as you progress the game more enemies constantly being introduce, kept the combat interesting. Same can be said about levels, more abilities you unlock more you can do in the previous levels, so exploration aspect (my favourite part of every game) is there, as you can find lots of secrets hidden everywhere.

Story, I found enjoyable as it was giving me enough flavour to keep me going although I would not say it’s a masterpiece but its good for what it is. Dialogues with other characters were well done and allowed you to learn more about the world and past events so even if you never played the first game you can pick this game up.

Overall, I would say this game is very well done, definitely one of the best games that come out this year and, in my eyes, well worth the asking price. Steam says I spend 33h but around 5-7h was me being afk but even then, me spending more then 8h on a non-RPG game is huge.
Posted 4 December, 2021.
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21 people found this review helpful
3.4 hrs on record
Game was fun, however now when I launch the game its asking me for personal information (Epic specifically) which I refuse to provide making the game unplayable for me.

Before that I had blast with it, although rage quit was common I actually enjoyed the little games and levels - game actually made me use controller which is achievement on its own :)
Posted 30 November, 2021.
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337.7 hrs on record (252.5 hrs at review time)
Was clicking so much that I sold 1 Grandma...

Highly recommend 99/100 Grandmas - remaining Grandma lost in action while chasing cow for the milk
Posted 22 November, 2021.
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2.1 hrs on record
Wish there was a neutral option but as I enjoyed the game marking it as a positive - while game is fun (and frustrated) I enjoyed it however I got 3 big issues with this game that kind of killing my fun with it:

1) Input is not responding well (Xbox controller), when trying to rotate character in the air, its often stops mid way, tried keyboard and it seems working fine, I tried several other controllers and same issue occurs.
2) collision detection - I actually got no idea what happening but when charging jump my character mid-charge acts as he hits a wall and I losing charge, tried it on straight floor as well charging straight (as much as I could) and same issue occur, this is so wired as there is nothing that I can hit and its happen mid-charge make it even more weirder. I notice its more often when I got super-jump ready but it might be just easier to notice than normal jump.
3) Background and character often blend together - especially when rotating making it almost impossible for me to know if I'm aiming at the floor or in the air would be nice to be able to have some kind of indication where pogo is pointing.
Posted 22 November, 2021.
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7.8 hrs on record
There Is No Review for There Is No Game…

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Good Game… …So You Should Buy It!
Posted 23 August, 2021.
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12.1 hrs on record (12.0 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Been following this game from a while the overhaul devs done to this game made it way better experience compared to what it was at the start, while it's still work in progress I would say it's well worth to give a go and try, performance improved, story is enjoyable and mechanics are not over-complicated but got that depth to it.

Will review it again once the game is fully out.
Posted 26 November, 2019.
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