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18.0 hrs on record (14.1 hrs at review time)
I watch Alien and Aliens when I was a kid and to this date nothing has come close to scaring the hell out on me than those film. The developers who made this game understand what makes those films so great every bit of detail from sound to visuals. Some have said it would not have fun hiding and sneaking about but you will never understand how good this game is until you played it. The tension is so high, you really feel like you are on a knife edge between survival and death. The alien is intelligent and you are not to careful it will adapt to you tactics in fact I had to change it up serval times to get to the end and I used every bit of resource I could find. If you loved played Dead Space this is a must have and in terms of crap my pants rating Alien Isolation has it beat.
Posted 2 December, 2015.
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13.6 hrs on record
I for one was heastant of getting this game. For starters its a indie game that is a point and click based game with a £20 price tag for some time now. Even the GOTY was not enought for me to take the risk. But as allways steam sale got me to give this a go and now I want more. Narriative based games with emphasis of story and character development is hard to pull off I don't see many devs pull it off even AAA games. But at its core this game has nailed it on every level I simply love this game and its character. Its one I would recomend for everyone to give a go. This is what happens when you mix story and interactivity the right way lets hope more of the same from other games.
Posted 27 May, 2014.
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10.2 hrs on record
This game is insane. Super difficult and really fun.
Posted 16 February, 2014.
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30.8 hrs on record (20.5 hrs at review time)
Simply amazing single player game that is the best sand box game to date. There is so much content of such high quality I can't really get into why it such a good game. Just trust me and get this game you won't be disappointed.
Posted 28 December, 2013.
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9.0 hrs on record
A nice rebot of tomb raider. Takes be back to the orginal games of lara croft on the playstation but don't be mistaken that this is just a rehash of the same old game. Its much more than that as it is evoled in that it builds a more fleshed out charater and story. You quickly fall in love with lara with the great animation and voice work. You will espealilly be mortfied to the amount of punishment that is dished out at lara.

As for the gameplay, it is well though out with fantastic platform elements that just fit in naturally and unlock diffrent areas of the island as you progress through the story. The puzzles are not challenging but in truth I grow to accept the easyness of modern games when it comes to puzzles. Gun play and combat is well refined and fun.

Get this game and help surport this great game.
Posted 8 December, 2013.
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10.0 hrs on record
Metro last light is a intense single player driven game with great atmosphere. If you looking for a meaty SP game then give this a go. Game play is solid and graphics are one of the best I seen so far this generation. Only complaint is that its hard to play this game over long play sessions as the games environment and tension sometimes overwhelms you. As well the robotic animation of charaters lets the game down during face to face dialogue. But good story and charaters copleded with eveything else I mentioned make this a must have in any die hard fps gamer collection.
Posted 24 September, 2013.
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9.0 hrs on record
One of few flight games I played that actauly make it enjoyable to play. Its combat takes time to get hold of but once you get a hang of it its loads of fun. They mix up the gameplay with dog fights, chopper play and bombing runs. Needless to say it does not get boring. Graphics are good compared to other flight games not the best but attention to detail in modeling and destruction copled with great sound stage and soundtrack makes you feel like a bad ass (dare I say top gun of the skyies). Well worth the purchase.
Posted 11 May, 2013.
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34.0 hrs on record (15.9 hrs at review time)
A well done sand box game with plenty of action and hand to hand combat. A must buy of 2012.
Posted 5 January, 2013.
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73.2 hrs on record (20.7 hrs at review time)
CS:GO Review
Considering I hate CS I find it strange that I actaully like playing CS:GO. Is it because I have learnt how to control spray guns from other games or is it just that I am not put off by ♥♥♥♥♥♥ graphics?. I realy don't know but what I can say it refreshing playing a new game that uses old fashioned game mechanics. Like no regen health or ramdom kill streaks or supression. Anyway I recomend this game it is fun playing with some old mates and having a laugh.
Posted 2 September, 2012.
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31.2 hrs on record
I find the art style and concepts in Deus Ex truly inspirational. The world is well fleshed out with a strong theme of how far human technological advancement could go and what possible effects it would have on society. Very much reflecting what is happening now but on a more extreme level.

The game play is very solid giving you plenty of options of how to approach a task and it this choice, helped with enhancement that makes this game stand out above other game. As for the story is very engaging so much so, that you don't want to stop playing.

On graphics and animation I am somewhat disappointed I find the characters facial and body animations robotic and graphics very primitive compared to other rpgs. Thankfully the worlds art style, Voice work and overall atmosphere in the game makes up for it.

If you like good story with deep rpg/action elements then get this game.
Posted 14 January, 2012.
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