Mister Nixon
Bobee ee ee eee   Hyggen, Buskerud, Norway
The infamous chimp/man/cyborg hybrid 'Mr. Nixon,' wanted in conjunction with several thousand homicides and corporate lawsuits going back to the beginning of time was apprehended last tuesday while ♥♥♥♥-rocking a shotgun into the face of a still unidentified young Intern.
"He is a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ freak of scientific nature,"
AFD and MCL spokes-"Persons" the G-Men announced appraisingly at a press conference held in the public lavetory where Bobee ee ee eee, aka "Mister Nixon" was reportedly apprehended by civil authorities.


"A freak of nature too-lee-toot."

"He will freak your bone.
"Then tell you to moan on your own."

"While below he stirs and quivvers his furs wrinkle until it gets heavy and hot and blasty.

"And blasty is what -he- gets when he see's anything remotely human anyway."

Finishing with,
"A real ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ freak of scientific nature, like an I.Q. of 257, nuts and barrel, but all he wants is to see you masturbate."

Bobee ee ee eee, a.k.a. "Mister Nixon" has announced that he will "defend himself" in his upcoming trials.

He was executed by a slew of rivals upon entering the court room, according to officials, and who'se "stomped body" will "hang viscerally for all to remember."

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