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32.1 hrs on record
I bought this around when it came out and put it down for awhile despite really enjoying what I played, but man I am glad I went back to finish it, this game is absolutely awesome!

If you're a Terminator fan, especially for the first two movies, you'll love the story in the game. There is so much that ties into the movie, world and game itself in really cool ways! One cool aspect is how this game really immerses you into the world with how the game plays, since Terminators are nigh near indestructible like in the movies to all normal guns. You'll need to use laser weapons and explosives if you want to stand a fighting chance, and they can very easily take you down without any effort.

There is some RPG elements here that are simple but work out very well imo, with some choices to make on leveling up and taking certain skills (You can get every skill unlocked if you are thorough and know where to look though!). The shooting is fun, but it can feel a little loose though. Specifically when using scopes, it can make landing head shots or hitting crit spots be a bit annoying, even with tweaking sensitivity or DPI.

The weapons are fit well into immersing you into the world. You have regular guns, but like I mentioned earlier, Terminator's are practically invulnerable to regular guns like in the movies, so you also have laser weapons to work with. With said laser guns you can even modify them using special chips you can find from destroyed Terminators or various enemies. Match up their ends and you can enhance your laser guns to do more damage, have a bigger mag, shoot faster or have more stability.

It all does a great job at keeping you engaged in planning and deciding how to deal with the next group of enemies you come across. Along with all that, you have a basic crafting system to make some items that you might be running low on. It gets the job done, with one resource being a little too rare for it's own good, but it does encourage you to really consider what you should or shouldn't make.

There is one general part of the game that is unfortunate: lack of polish. You can tell the devs must have been working on a very tight budget, but holy crap they made it work if you ask me. There are some rough spots and little polish in some areas, but they definitely did make everything essential work very well. Considering this game is $40 USD, it's absolutely easy to look over anyway imo.

No matter what, if you're looking for a fun FPS to play or are just a Terminator fan, this game is a must buy! For me, it's a 4/5, it was a bit of a rocky ride in the start, but damn was it fun all the way through the end! Definitely one of the best Terminator games out there (For some, it's not a high bar to reach at all, but considering this game was made in the conditions it was, it still means a lot!).

OVERALL: 4/5 or 8/10


+ Very faithful to the movies
+ Fun and engaging game play
+ Great job at showing how it would feel to fight Terminator
+ Really cool and engaging story
+ Fitting arsenal of weapons and items
+ Great post release support and content


- Can be a bit hard to aim scoped weapons
- Game doesn't let you go back to certain areas
- Lack of polish in some areas due to being a budget game like levels, animations, etc.
- Can be very unforgiving
Posted 16 November, 2023. Last edited 16 November, 2023.
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30.0 hrs on record
I haven't played a survival horror game of this caliber in a long time that had me as hooked as it did. This is a perfect example of how to make a fun and awesome video game all the while it can be an absolutely insightful, thought provoking piece of art.

I took this from a recommendation from a friend (also loves survival horror games) and I was blown away with how incredible this game was from start to finish. This has almost everything I love from classic survival horror games, from the simple yet very tactical combat, excellent and satisfying puzzles, awesome inventory and resource management, creepy and isolating atmosphere, and some unique enemies that create some cool combat encounters.

The visuals and music are also phenomenal, and all blends together with the actual game itself to create one of the finest survival horror games of this generation.

If I had anything to give some critique to, it'd be the hard mode being a little annoying instead of challenging (IE Regular enemies can bring you down from 100% to dead in a single, normal attack), but this game it's only a tiny drop in an ocean of quality. Well done to the dev team for making a fantastic, modern day classic! I can't wait to see what they create next.
Posted 1 November, 2023. Last edited 1 November, 2023.
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6.8 hrs on record (5.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Absolutely hilarious and grim game so far! I am not into RPG maker style games, but this one had me interested after watching a play through of Episode 1 awhile back. The story and characters so far are fantastic, the main duo are especially worth playing the game just to see where their journey takes them. The adventure game formula feels good and has enough that it makes you want to keep going to see things through to the end, combined with the dialogue and general intrigue of the world you go through.

The character portraits also look awesome, everyone has good designs and it's always a fun surprise to see if you encounter a new character with a portrait to go along with them. Not to mention all the interactions throughout the game from the environments and background details are really good. It's all in all a great adventure game!

Just do be warned, since there are a lot more sensitive people nowadays, that the game can go into some dark, morbid, and overall ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up topics that are very much not suitable for everyone. If you are brave enough and have the gut to handle reality though, this really shouldn't be an issue.

I have nothing but praise to give the game so far in this early access version of the game, I can't wait to see how Episode 3 goes!
Posted 22 October, 2023.
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2.7 hrs on record (1.9 hrs at review time)
Truly one of the greatest puzzle games ever made.

As someone who thinks Resident Evil 4 has one of the greatest inventory systems of all time, it amazed me that Capcom never tried to make a mobile game of that inventory system or whatnot. Thankfully, this incredible developer has created a new contender for one of my favorite puzzle games ever.

Managing items is great, having to work around using items and combinations in certain orders is always a nice brain tickler, as it really makes you think about how to just use certain items in such unorthodox ways (IE Blowing full heals non stop to heal minor wounds that you yourself caused by eating rotten food).

I've been playing RE4 for almost 17 years, and this game brought all those years of item management to the test. If I had any complaint, it's only two minor ones, the music can become very repetitive and the number of levels is small, only being 40 levels currently.

However on that last note, for the incredibly generous asking price of $2.99 ($2.09 at the time of writing this review), there is no way I can say I felt like it wasn't worth the money. It was the best $2.09 ($2.22 with tax) I ever spent in ages. Even though I finished the game at a quick pace, enough to refund the game, this developer deserves every dollar towards this game I can't stop giving my praise to!

TLDR: If you love RE4's inventory management, puzzle games, fun, or a combination of all three of these, buy this game!
Posted 15 September, 2022. Last edited 25 November, 2022.
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2,788.3 hrs on record (668.3 hrs at review time)
I had a long review here about how it's dumb my friend couldn't play the game due to Battleye, but that has since been fixed now, and he's been enjoying the game a lot to boot!

This is an awesome game, lots of fun and surprising amounts to do in the game if you are new. It's really dumb that they remove content just to make space for the file size of the game, but I am keeping hopes up that we get a system to install or uninstall playable content like how the Master Chief Collection does with choosing to keep campaigns and multiplayer installed.

But I won't hold my breath.

Still, super fun shooter, I would write a more in depth review, but there aren't enough characters in a Steam review for me to describe all I want to talk about with this game.
Posted 26 December, 2021. Last edited 7 August, 2022.
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57.9 hrs on record (35.0 hrs at review time)
I'm very happy to be alive to see not one, but two mainline Resident Evil games be as great as RE4, this one easily stands up there with 4 without a shadow of a doubt.
Posted 10 May, 2021.
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19.9 hrs on record (19.1 hrs at review time)
I need to start by saying this game has me greatly conflicted on it. I absolutely loved what I played, but after reading more about the back ground on the early access (EA for short) features and planned content and finding out how the game we got now has been like this for almost its whole life in EA, I find myself conflicted on recommending this game.

I'll start by saying the game had a very solid introduction into the world (outside of not being made immediately aware you're in Australia). It got me hooked very quickly and the overall vibe and aesthetics are awesome. It helps a lot that I love Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines and enjoy general World of Darkness lore a bit, as this game definitely gives off that cool, unusually natural feel of having super natural entities exist in essentially a modern day era.

The visuals are hard to critique if I am being honest. The game has a isometic overhead view and there is a grainy filter so details on objects and characters may vary, but overall it all looks very fitting and has a solid creepy tone to things. I will admit though that the comic pages don't feel right, since the art style is exaggerate the characters and those conflict heavily with the portraits you see of all the other characters you speak to.

Now the game play is where this game greatly shines. After you create a character, in the honestly extremely limited character creator, your job varies between missions you select; with either doing something safer and cheap like scouting an area to find out what the super natural entity is there, to more threatening and high paying jobs like clearing out super natural creatures and even getting rid of powerful spirits and entities. Most of the creatures you take on scale well enough through the game, albeit things kind of jump in challenge with the "final" set of monsters.

All combat is done through using a large range of guns and traps. Unlike most shooters like this, your aim isn't just about the direction you're aiming in, its also about where your targeting reticle is hovering over. While this does make combat more tense with having to keep a steady aim on enemies, it can be a detriment in close quarters areas or spots that have obstacles blocking your aim, making some situations either more difficult then they should be, or worse, unwinnable without taking damage or really planning on where to run to in order to aim at your foe. Thankfully the latter scenario almost never happened to me, only happening about twice in my time playing.

Along with your guns, you can apply things like scopes, laser sights, barrel attachments and even shotguns for extra bonuses like having another ammo type on immediate standby, extra accuracy, gun damage and critical chance bonuses! These attachments can even be in your immense favor with using certain ones to deal bonus damage to certain bosses. There are also ammo types that certain enemies are very weak to which adds on to the whole hunter vibe of the game. What once took 50 pistol rounds to kill can take as little as 8 or 9 with the right ammo type!

The traps vary, since they can be useful, but sometimes require far more planning and time then whats needed if you don't use them. Not to mention, you need to invest a skill point just to use them at a base level. I'll be honest, I only EVER used traps to fight powerful bosses, as most enemies can be taken care of well enough with guns, and not to mention, you'd have to make sure you find a clue to let you know a certain enemy type is near; but when they are used and are effective for the situation, the pay off can feel immensely gratifying and really make you feel more like a hunter. Its even more immersive since you can invest additional skill points to modify some traps to provide additional damage or debuffs on stronger bosses.

Despite all that, the combat is very fun and satisfying overall, especially when you get to use different ammo types to deal far more damage to their respective enemy types and using gear and attachments for bonuses!

However, the real winner of the game play is without a doubt the actual hunting and tracking of supernatural monsters. Certain clues, or as the game calls them, 'signs' can be used to actually inform you what types of monsters may be in the area. But aside from that, your cryptonomicon has many entries to inform you on what enemies can do and their weaknesses. There are additional pages that can be purchased to gives you more info on hand whenever you need it. But the most exciting part is hands down actually piecing all the signs you have to determine the major spirit and their weaknesses.

It is so much fun to put clues together, whip through some pages to piece what sign is related to what kind of attribute, and even cooler, you can highlight certain phrases to have on hand when you are preparing in your truck before the big battle!

So once you find all the signs, get everything put together, know what you are up against, and have all your traps and battle plan laid out, you can summon the spirit and take it down for good. These fights are very fun and genuinely exciting, especially the early ones which give a great introduction to the more fierce parts of combat. Taking down these bosses feels incredibly rewarding, especially since taking these spirits down gives you a very nice bonus after the mission is over!

I can't describe how much I love this whole game play loop, its excellent! While there are some annoying things here and there in the game, namely one type of enemy (Nephilim, I am not a big fan, they don't even appear for too long in the game either!), and worse, there can be some bad RNG, namely in getting repeat spirits over and over, or even more annoying, getting ONLY certain spirits in certain maps, there is one major issue with the game in general, and thats the lack of level variety.

This game has only THREE areas, and they are all available from the start. They change in layout, but honestly its barely noticeable, its worse finding out there was only two areas for the longest time, and a third area was only just recently added after it was cut from the game, then added back in shortly before release. It really sucks that the story of the game ends before it can even begin as well.

I want to absolutely recommend this game to anyone, but I can't after reading up a lot of the info about this game's rocky EA. You can find plenty of info on it, and there's even videos that show the amount of content that was working find in EA, but got cut for no real reason outside of over simplifying the hell out of everything. It's been sometime too since the devs have actually posted any update on whats happening, despite supposedly mis-wording their "completion" of the EA game, so they definitely haven't been winning much support lately.

I understand that this game has apparently had a bad time trying to get a good budget and to accomplish the development of the game, but releasing the game like this and said game has been in this state for almost two and a half years isn't the way of trying to make some more money. That said, as someone who never heard of this game until recently, this was an awesome game for $20, and a very solid foundation for something far greater.

I hope the devs really didn't just totally abandon things and I hope they will release some announcement soon to ease tensions, because so much care was put into this game, that it doesn't seem like a "take the money and run" situation.

If you really are fascinated with everything I just said and it does spark your interest, it's fairly priced, and you will find an awesome game!

Otherwise, if you can't stand EA devs doing stuff similar to what happened here (I had no clue about any of the EA stuff going into the game mind you), then just avoid it like the plague.

Thank you for reading! Take care and have a good one!
Posted 2 March, 2021.
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236.0 hrs on record (43.9 hrs at review time)
One of the greatest games ever made, only brought back by its technical issues that were sadly never resolved back then. There are different patches to resolve this, so find a safe download for one, and pick up this game. It's truly one of a kind, and I hope this isn't the last time we will see a game of this caliber with its awesome and fun gameplay, incredible story, beautiful and dark atmostphere that all combine together to make a unique classic for ages to come.
Posted 30 June, 2017.
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0.0 hrs on record
This is just incredible. To put it into one perspective, take a $50-60 expansion pack, but make it $8 bucks (or $6.79 at the time of this review), and it includes far more content and quality then one can possibly imagine for such an incredible price. I don't even want to bring up much since saying anything on the game would be spoiling it, but good god is this game spectacular in just about every way.

It has an awesome and funny story, a great, twisted reimagining on a world we already knew about in the base game of Postal 2, some new and fun weapons to mess around with, and with a surprising shocker, the boss fights are some of the most grand show downs ever. They have alternate "non-lethal" ways to take them down or get around them, it feels awesome fighting them in an old school fashion from FPS bosses from back in the day. Its truly one of the many great shining features in this DLC!

I cannot reccommend this DLC enough, if you have Postal 2, get this. If you are about to buy Postal 2, get this. You won't regret nothing.

(And to those who are complaining it costs money, just deal with it! Its really cheap and RWS as it is deserves the money for all the crap they have been through with publishers and Akella's Postal 3 and whatnot. Anyone who enjoys Postal 2 should feel lucky they even made a new expansion pack after so many years. So stop being a cheap *** gamer, and just buy it!)
Posted 19 April, 2015.
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37.9 hrs on record
After playing through this game, for three days, 100% and playing on two different play throughs, I can safely say Wolfenstien: The New Order is not just one of the best FPS' to come out so far this year, but one of the best to come out in a long time; and its totally worth the $60! Everything from the story, gameplay, graphics are extremely well made and presented. To get the boring stuff out of the way, the visuals of the game are incredible and really do bring out a next generation feeling with its well made models, sleak areas and weapons and spectacular violence gibs that go flying through out the game!

The story is surprisingly great! Due to being single player only, a lot of detail went into the world and enviorments that you go through, and because of that you can really get sucked into the games world that it presents! Characters are all well done and overall Machine Games did an amazing job pulling off this end. But now for the most important of everything here; the gameplay.

The gameplay is just friggin rad! It combines classic FPS elements and modern elements and creates this incredible game which I hope future developers look to when making future titles. The game allows for stealth in some sections, which comes off as a nearly perfected feature for players of many tastes. In those stealth sections, you can go guns blazing if you want to, but the stealth is fast, quick, strategic and very enjoyable overall because of it! The health system is perfected with this balence of old and new, using health kits to heal up while you still have regenerating health. The overcharge ability for your health is also great since it turns those useless health items you find in secret areas into useful tools to create more destruction against the Nazis! Its incredible to finally get back into the old school way of hunting for healing items!

The gunplay is one part that got me sucked in the moment I saw footage for the game, and it does not dissapoint. Its fast, frantic and gives you some crazy adrenaline rushes at times! Its old school shooting from way back in the day but its back in the modern day, combining big, powerful weapons to use against armies of foes and giant bosses! You can acquire upgrades too, which give you more advantages to some of your guns. But dang, it is so much fun duel wielding two large machine guns and unloading them on unrelenting enemies!

The AI is challenging too, so where ever that odd rumor is coming from it needs to pipe down, cause enemies will actually use cover, get together to gang up, will crouch and shoot at you if you are under neath floors, its great! There are also perks you can gain from doing certain actions through the game. Some are absolutely easy while others may be extremely annoying (See the Assault Rifle Perk). The cover system they put in the game is very handy for taking out those foes who can mess you up if they see you for a second.

And the boss battles. Not gonna go into too much detail, but DAMN! It is great to see bosses again, like actual boss fights, not some QTE bull crap or something else that doesn't involve a fight or gameplay. These bosses are awesome, powerful and really rad when you see them and destroy them! The final boss in particular is what I personally have been waiting for after a long time in FPS gaming. An actual big bad you get to face down rather then mash the space bar or tap the hell out of X because the game devs were too lazy or wanted some kind of "real" fight. Bleh! This game gets it right on every angle!

Just overall, the game play is pheonominal. Combine that with the good story and amazing visuals, you have yourself a fantastic title. Its well worth the $60 USD, but if times are tough for you, nab it during a sale, it will be worth every penny; believe me. Over all I give this game my highest of reccommendations and if you can, buy it now!
Posted 23 May, 2014.
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