Paisley, Renfrewshire, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Go go go
Hit the targets
Position 2, Go
Hit the targets
Flash bang through the door
Position 4
Hit the targets
Position 5, Go
Hit the targets
6, Go
Flash bang through the door
Hit the targets
Final position go
Sprint to the finish


Cowboys don’t roll joints.
They tumble weed.


To the person who stole my glasses
I will find you, I have contacts


Is the world ready for ejaculating clocks?
I guess we will know when the time comes...


My girlfriend threw up when I told her I put ginger in our curry.
She loved that cat.


Have you heard the story of the window you couldn't see through?
Well, I can't tell you anyway. It's too dirty.


What do alcoholics and necrophiliacs have in common?
The irresistible urge to crack open a cold one.

온라인 상태
다수의 VAC 차단 기록 | 정보
다수의 게임 차단 기록 | 정보
마지막 차단 이후 2377일 경과
완성주의자의 전시대
좋아하는 게임
플레이 시간
도전 과제
최근 활동
기록상 541시간
마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2025년 2월 1일
기록상 4시간
마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2025년 2월 1일
기록상 250시간
마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2025년 1월 27일
Alan 2022년 5월 5일 오전 7시 28분 
Idk, don't really keep a record of games I install every year
Alan 2022년 5월 5일 오전 7시 21분 
Don't worry, I'm a fellow gamer
RUSS5103 2021년 11월 12일 오전 6시 45분 
rataliee 2021년 1월 22일 오후 3시 43분 
Postup : Maso prošpikujeme hranolky slaniny (jde to skvěle pokud ji dáme na 0,5 hodiny do mrazáku) a opečeme na oleji nebo oleji s máslem (nebude se připalovat). Vyjmeme a na výpečku opečeme zeleninu nahrubo nastrouhanou a cibuli, jakmile mrkev pustí barvu, přidáme cukr a necháme karamelizovat.

Přidáme hořčici, koření, přilijeme ocet, vložíme maso a zalijeme vroucím vývarem. Vložíme hrnec či pekáč i s poklicí do trouby a pečeme do změknutí masa (tj. asi 1,5-2 hodiny ve středně vyhřáté troubě). Poté maso i koření vyjmeme, maso nakrájíme a omáčku rozmixujeme.

Je-li třeba, zahustíme hladkou moukou, rozkvedlanou v mléce a provaříme (mouku je třeba provařit minimálně 20 minut), podle potřeby dosolíme.

Zjemníme smetanou, dochutíme citronem a lístkem másla, již nevaříme. Podáváme s houskovým knedlíkem a terčíkem z citronu a brusinek.
rataliee 2021년 1월 22일 오후 3시 42분 
Suroviny: 800 g zadního hovězího,300 g kořenové zeleniny(mrkev, celer, petržel ve stejném poměru), 1 cibule, 50 g plnotučné hořčice, 2 lžíce cukru, 2 lžíce octa, 100 g oleje, kousek másla, 100 g uzené slaniny, asi lžíce mouky (podle lepku), 250 ml šlehačky, 3 ks bobkového listu, 5 ks nového koření, 5 kuliček pepře, citronová šťáva na dochucení, sůl, vývar

Camrn 2018년 6월 26일 오후 1시 22분 
Cups are an obvious improvement on using cupped hands to hold liquids. They have almost certainly been used since before recorded history, and have been found at archaeological sites throughout the world. Prehistoric cups were sometimes fashioned from shells and hollowed out stones.

An ancient stoneware (terracotta) cup from the Sa Huynh culture (modern Viet Nam)
In Mesopotamia, cups were made for a variety of purposes, possibly including the transportation and drinking of alcoholic beverages. There is evidence the Roman Empire may have spread the use of cups throughout Europe, with notable examples including silver cups in Wales and a color-changing glass cup in ancient Thrace. In England, cups have been discovered which date back to several thousand years, including the Rillaton Gold Cup, about 3,700 years old. Cups were used in the Americas several centuries prior to the European arrivals. Around the Gulf of Mexico,