renzo   Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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Ben 22 Sep, 2024 @ 7:21pm 
kiss me or I'll tell everyone what you did to that young boy
yung ian 30 Aug, 2024 @ 12:29am 

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Ben 31 May, 2024 @ 3:26pm 
How are Women even considering themselves opressed. All they have to do is work out and spread their legs to get money, only the men, can be considered opressed in this system. And you know why this isn't public? Because men arent like women which cry over EVERYTHING. Females are only there for our species to live on, other than that they are worthless for society and Humanity at it's whole. i mena, humanity even has the MEN inside of it, same with woMEN. Litteraly couldn't live without us MEN, whilst we men have proven to live within each other, without causing problems or not beeing able to live on our own. In conclusion, females are the abusers and should all get sent to jail, for abusing the so called "titty-power"
$now Da Gremlin 5 May, 2024 @ 9:59pm 
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Ben 11 Mar, 2024 @ 9:44pm 
RIP brother!!! we miss you more and more every day!!!!!!!! yung smoochie was just telling me about the last time he saw you (saying some gamer words on minecraft brony mod.) keep looking down on us from up there <3 <3 #GayFurryDads4Lyfe #BaconlickerCentral #Gooner #Goongang #GoonBrother Gooning by myself never felt so lonely. miss u lots man
Ben 7 Mar, 2024 @ 8:58pm 
Hey it's me, we just played together. I noticed you didn't add me but I sent you a friend request haha, maybe it glitched or something you're pretty cool though like I said before, that's why I got my team to throw for you. It's so cool to see a girl playing in games though. I know you have a boyfriend so I hope he treats you well. Like if I was your boyfriend I'd make you sandwiches while you play and buy you chocolate and give you back rubs and call you cool and laugh with you at all your jokes, not real though because we aren't together (at least yet) ;) Yeah so haha you should totally accept my friend request so we can talk more and have fun together, just as friends of course coz otherwise it would be weird and I don't want to get cooties from you ewwwww (just joking, I would like your cooties) :p