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Recent reviews by The Boomer of Akkad

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2 people found this review helpful
162.4 hrs on record (50.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This game needs some ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ updates
Posted 7 November, 2015.
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195.6 hrs on record (90.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Still in early access, but they seem to be making pretty good progress with it.

The progression (Campaign) is already in the game a bit and takes the form of running what amount to skirmish missions (Kill or route the enemy team with some optional objectives) with story missions placed in that you have to run skirmish missions to rank up for.

The game is a tactical RPG, instead of both sides taking turns, each unit has an "initiative" score that determines when it is it's turn to move.

Movement is free flowing and controlled by WASD keys. You can move a certain amount of points in any direction, with unlimited backtracking (As long as you aren't overwatched/ambushed/trapped) until you confirm the movement

A loot system is within the game, and before and after each battle, you will need to deal with the warbands equipment and stats/skills.

The setting is pretty neat, it takes place within an Empire city that was destroyed by a Chaos meteor that has strewn valuable Warpstones all over the city.

Each of the current 4 warbands has a neat play-style and reason for being within Mordheim.

Sisters of Sigmar: Heavily armored nuns that lack ranged weaponry. They are trying to purge the city and destroy the Warpstone.

Reiklander Mercenaries: Medium to heavy armored humans that have an abundance of ranged weaponry. They are trying to collect the warpstone to sell to other Human nations.

Cult of the Possessed: Mutants and Demons that are fairly medium to heavily armored, they lack good ranged weaponry, but make up for it with a variety of neat mutations and mechanics. They are trying to collect all the Warpstone to appease their god.

Skaven douches: Light armored mostly, dodge everything, and moves all the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ time. They want the warpstone cause they are greedy ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ or something.

The persistent injury system is very unique, a unit going down in a battle is not the end of the world, and very easy to recover from. Often they may not even die, but can be effected by a variety of injuries that alter the way they play.

And example is my Chaos Magistrate who originally started out as a caster...well..a blow to the head has convinced him he is actually a god, and only ever uses melee weapons now...thought I should fire him, but damn, he is making it work.

Any-who, I enjoy the game.
Posted 3 November, 2015.
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1 person found this review helpful
91.4 hrs on record (26.7 hrs at review time)
I honestly was not expecting much from this game, the developer is unknown and lets be honest, only about 1 out of 5 Warhammer games are even considered passable, let alone good. But I really am enjoying this game.


It is essentially Left 4 Dead 2, combined with a loot/upgrade system, character classes, and set in a Warhammer Fantasy setting.

The combat itself is about 80% melee (depending on what character you are playing) and the melee itself is a mix between Skyrim and Mount and Blade. A mix as in, a lot better than Skyrim (but similar), but not as good as Mount and Blades melee combat.

The Skaven (Rat people that take the places of zombies) are honestly fairly fleshed out, and seem to have alright personalities, they have their own banter towards the characters, and some even cower in fear when you show up, until they decide to mass rush you.

The loot system takes place after each wave, you are given a number of dice (That number changes depending on the difficulty, and what optional things ((Such as carrying around bulky tomes the entire map)) you have undertaken that map) You are then showed a scale of items, and the higher you roll, the better the items. Those items you can go on to upgrade in other ways as well.

The character classes have a bit of overlay, some weapon types are shared (Dwarf and Empire Soldier both get Two handed hammers for instance, but the hammers look and function slightly different), and they can all function well in both melee and ranged.

The characters also have a fair bit of...character....banter is common, and they are all fairly well fleshed out and voiced.

The graphics in this game are, honestly, fairly stunning, the metals, woods, and characters all look very well textured.



This game is honestly, fairly Warhammer...with that comes a very "grimdark" and different setting, compared to many fantasy games - If killing Ratmen in a claustrophobic cityscape with the help of an alien looking elf is completely distasteful to you, you may want to think twice (But I would urge you to still give it a try).

As I said before, the company is an unknown, a few past interviews have said that they wish to continue supporting it with additional character classes, maps, and enemies. And while I hope they do, only time will tell if they live up to that promise.

The last gripe again, is potentially the setting, I need to stress this: Judging by early access and the games very screenshots, the majority of this games setting is within a giant city, filled with winding streets and cobblestone buildings, I hope that it does not get boring and dull over time.

Posted 19 October, 2015.
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2 people found this review helpful
1,624.4 hrs on record (1,123.3 hrs at review time)
This game is complete and udder ♥♥♥♥, Volvos master game TF2 is way far better and has better hats, valve even removed an ursa set which was the best item set because it didn't fit the characters lore, this would never happen in TF2.

The commendation system is dumb, you can't commend people after games, only during them. What if I think a person is friendly during a Dota trade? I should be able to commet them.

The servers are always down, and Valve is missing 15 heroes and mode from the original dota.

The reporting system is super broken, I am always being muted for saying racist things about Canadians, and the game actually punishes you for leaving, wtf.

The graphics are bad, and all the female heroes always show boobs, but the male heroes never show bulges. They also changed the sex of a male hero into a female hero, which frankly is against my believes.

A lot of the heros are also super ugly, like lifestealer, pudge, and broodmother (Whose whole purpose is to make babies)

Never in my life have I ever met such a bad community, they are always telling me to be on the bottom and then get mad at me for over something about "taking last hits" both which i can only assume is a sexual/and or drug reference .

Some of the heroes are also super unbalanced, like drow, sniper, and treant protector. Their messiah "Ice Frog" balances around pro games, which makes the game super unfun for randoms.

I give this game a 0.10 out of 0.100

Posted 17 December, 2013.
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205.7 hrs on record
Great game, is extremely fun when playing with other people.
Posted 15 July, 2012.
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253.2 hrs on record (233.6 hrs at review time)
Good fun, if you play with friends
Posted 31 December, 2011.
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266.5 hrs on record (261.7 hrs at review time)
While on first glance, Killing Floor may appear to be a knock off of L4D, it is so much more. With 1-6 players, and 7 different classes to pick from, the game sets your team down into one of 20+ maps, and instead of attempting to reach an exit, you are searching for the best place to hold out at.

After killing each wave of specimens, you will have a 30-60 second period to buy guns, armor, grenades, and anything else you may need to survive the next wave. After the last wave, you will come face to face with a boss specimen.

The game is certainly loads of fun, and I find it better than L4D 1 or 2, but that could easily be because of the people I play it with, this game is certainly worth the pick up, if you have a few friends who will be joining you on it.

Plus, if you are reading this, you are probably on my friends list, and should talk to me, I can get ya into some full games
Posted 4 July, 2011.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries