ToastToaster 15 Jun, 2015 @ 8:04am 
Heelloouh~ Basically, I need ONE PERSON to dedicate my life to (romance and all else). I simply expect to find a person, who can dedicate their life to me too <3. Therefore, they must be single, available, capable of keeping promises. We would keep to the promise "Together, forever." as true and deep as we can. Example: Spending all our time together. Being eachother's most important thing. Why? Because being alone is lonely. Friends are useless. Close friends are not reliable. Gaming buddies in love > Normal buddies. AND waking up, with the first thought, to look forward to spending more time with the one you luv is cute <3. Bonuses: Gaming, Game development, Romance. I'm 20, very clingy, very demanding, very commited. If you are interested in that promise, Add me. <3
Rusty_- | Zeitgeist 20 Feb, 2012 @ 6:47pm 
Who what now?
mArTiNa <3 - Daniel- 11 Feb, 2012 @ 2:24pm 
Link :
You must have at least one game in your Steam account
Only free games are gifted in this link !
You will recieve the gift later !
to read more :
Don't forget to say thanks !
Michael 30 Dec, 2011 @ 4:32pm 
butt poop penis
Michael 29 Dec, 2011 @ 3:55pm 
penis poop butt
Rusty_- | Zeitgeist 25 Dec, 2011 @ 9:43pm 
SkrapsINC 23 Dec, 2011 @ 9:37pm 
Dude you so logged out on my Smoke break i told yew i needed it jaja
Rusty9k_- 7 Sep, 2011 @ 7:16am 
Isnt he awesome! :D HE IS THE BEST TRQ ADMIN EVER! <3
Rusty_- | Zeitgeist 19 Aug, 2011 @ 9:49pm 
Ozymandias 19 Aug, 2011 @ 12:54pm 
Cadetmaster 16 Aug, 2011 @ 3:57pm 
Rusty_- | Zeitgeist 15 Aug, 2011 @ 8:51pm 
Uber.... Has..... ASS SQUAIDS !!!
Michael 6 Aug, 2011 @ 10:54am 
This kid has sethhack. Be aware of him
Bacardi-_AA_- 5 Apr, 2011 @ 9:08pm 
You better get back on soon
Nood!e - Any Bills 50% off dm me 3 Apr, 2011 @ 10:33pm 
Epic Fail. 2 mins after you left. Nano Bar. Standing on top. Disconnect.
chad (virgin) gamer 26 Feb, 2011 @ 9:47am 
BAD RUSTY *slaps his wrist* BAD!
Proxima 19 Jan, 2011 @ 2:37pm 
He be screwin' with Armed Roleplay's server. Respect?
A danger to herself and others 18 Jan, 2011 @ 6:45pm 
guys, im not a furry, but i respect them. i might not like the fetish, and i dont expect you to, but at least respect the people.
AXON FLEX 13 Jan, 2011 @ 2:07pm 
So you like sticking animal suit tails up your ass?
Proxima 9 Jan, 2011 @ 10:36am 
Grow up ♥♥♥♥♥♥
AXON FLEX 8 Jan, 2011 @ 3:48pm 
Furries are ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.
Husky. 5 Oct, 2010 @ 5:59pm 
hows it going
Edgy Murphy 27 Sep, 2010 @ 4:45pm 
ADD MEH RUSTEY Its been so long my acc go hacked and all meh friends got deleted
Nican 15 Sep, 2010 @ 12:22pm 
hoho, you know too much!
Husky. 8 Sep, 2010 @ 11:21am 
yer theres nothing wrong with furrys
A danger to herself and others 6 Sep, 2010 @ 11:27am 
dude, whats wrong with furries. its just a lifstyle, GET THE HELL OVER IT
Mack-O 2 Sep, 2010 @ 9:43pm 
cyN 14 Jul, 2010 @ 10:54am 
rusty add me my account got hacked
[EGI] Lawl 20 Jun, 2010 @ 12:06pm 
Nice fail spam, ♥♥♥♥♥♥. Enjoy your perma ban.
A danger to herself and others 15 Apr, 2010 @ 10:47am 
where u been latley?
Ætheldank 10 Oct, 2009 @ 2:31pm 
Hes Back and Hes Better than ever!
Ætheldank 25 Jul, 2009 @ 6:29pm 