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Скорошни рецензии на Rogue1813

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857.8 изиграни часа (96.8 часа по време на рецензията)
I know that this game has somewhat of a bad reputation, but I'm here to help out a little bit if you are looking to buy this game. There are so many things about this game that I love. There is the exploration, the combat, the piloting, the amazing views, and so many other things. I just hit 100 hours of gameplay and there is still so much I havent done. I can truly say that I have not been bored while playing this game (besides of course the 8 minutes of flying at over 500 times the speed of light to reach the other star in a binary star system). At first the controls were a little tough to get the hang of, but once you've got it, life becomes easy and it feels natural. At the beginning of the game you may feel overwhelmed with the choices that you have, you can become a bounty hunter and kill people for a living, you can run errands for factions to get money, and increase reputation, you can buy some ship upgrades and explore the unexplored. If you were to buy this game I recommend sitting down and getting used to everything. Run some cargo missions to get quick and easy money, buy a better ship with a larger cargo hold, and run even more cargo missions and get even more money. I'm not gonna lie, this game has a lot of grinding in it. There will be a time where you have 10+ missions in 7 different systems and you are only gonna make maybe 750,000 credits. It sounds bad but it can be fun, maybe along the way you find some other non AI player and they tag along with you, or maybe you stumble into a war zone and take down a couple defectors in the name of the federation. The possibilities are quite litterally endless. I love this game not only for its gameplay, but also because of its amazing visual effects. Right before writing this review I dropped out of FSD right in front of an Magnetar star. It looked amazing. It may be just because I am interested in outer space and stuff like that but i think that this game is amazing. That's all I have to say.

I know its unorganized.... i wrote it at 12:20AM gimme a break
Публикувана 28 февруари 2018.
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836.0 изиграни часа (65.7 часа по време на рецензията)
Like the new update, its very useful. But some of the contract that are given to you are very hard to complete at the start
Публикувана 13 май 2015.
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