Arief Fadillah Abidin   Riau, Indonesia
Eternal Nomad
I create as I speak:ACO_Horus:
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Kafka 2
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Tifa Lockhart, everybody's favourite female character in video game history :)
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Resident Evil 4: Ada Wong Laser Hall Scene
Review Showcase
"The Creed of the Assassin Brotherhood teaches us that nothing is forbidden to us. Once, I thought that meant we were free to do as we would. To pursue our ideals, no matter the cost. I understand now. Not a grant of permission. The Creed is a warning.

Ideals too easily give way to dogma. Dogma becomes fanaticism. No higher power sits in judgement of us. No supreme being watches to punish us for our sins. In the end, only we ourselves can guard against our obsessions. Only we can decide whether the road we walk carries too high a toll.

We believe ourselves redeemers, avengers, saviours. We make war on those who oppose us, and they in turn make war on us. We dream of leaving our stamp upon the world... even as we give our lives in a conflict that will be recorded in no history book. All that we do, all that we are, begins and ends with ourselves."

Arno's speech in the end of the game gave me GOOSEBUMP!