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0.0 Std. in den vergangenen zwei Wochen / 1,877.7 Std. insgesamt (317.1 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Verfasst: 30. Okt. 2016 um 16:20

this isent my swamp.....oh you wan't a review...ok 1 you cant play as shrek so their is no real point in playing it 2 unless you have a hat......DONT JOIN MY F***ING TEAM 3 go away 4 dont put all the sentry's in one spot 5 dont play as spy 6 dont play as sniper 7 always prey to GabeN befor opening crates 8 dont prey to GabeN becase he hates you 9 dont have a pony spray 10!!!! this is the most important one never EVER EVER!!!!! buy ANYTING from the store unless its a key or a mvm ticket....thanks for reading my review...and remember..... shrek is always wathing

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