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2 people found this review helpful
94.2 hrs on record (92.9 hrs at review time)
I've played last two Max Payne games when I was a teenager and still I consider one of the best games in its time. The third one for me is the least favorite but yet it is one of the best game created in its series. The gameplay feels so incredibly satisfying and smooth that I just can't judge it how uncreative developers are. Rockstar Vancouver really nail it this one on visual and gameplay. James McCaffrey is reprising his roll as Max and I have to say his performance is excellent, even better than previouse games. The game it's even brutal than predecessor. I've replayed this game so many times (mostly because I lost my save games) that I always find some details in this game that I start appreciating this game even more. Sountrack is kinda diffrent and shomehow it works. I really has good ambient for it settings and adrenalin engaging.

Unfortunately this game didn't deliver same spirit as last two games. If they kept as New York Noir setting I would accept this game as true sequel, but they throw him in South America and completely losing that touch. I always consider Max Payne as character who is struggling with nightmares of lost and grief by fighting his own demons, but this one is struggling with lost and grief and finding the comfort in his addiction for alcohol...... Speaking of addiction, don't make me start that idea why on earth would a wealthy family hired a drunk ex-cop "Detective" without Max himself asking that same question? I don't mind about long cutscenes but this game has split every 5 min in one level. I understand R* trying to hide loading time because this game is console port and console can't handle over the top-notch visuals. In the first playthrough it didn't bother me much but when you have to play arcade mode it's becomes annoying. Some cutscenes you can't skip and that is a huge issue.
Despite all that, story is okay. It's more grounded but nothing special. I have to say I really enjoyed playing flashbacks which really brings that New York Noir I was really hoping it would be the whole game.

Multiplayer is still functional but not supportive. There are players out there who either they cheat, using exploits to benefit their insecurity or I just found a bad host from the other side of the world. 6 years ago, it was alot of fun playing competitively. This also have 2 player coop but it a surviver mode and you have to have DLC to access this mode. It somehow crashing every time when I am trying to play it but it didn't had 6 years ago.

Never the less I would definitely recommend to everyone who loves story driven shoters, although this is probably the last Max Payine game ever released by Rockstar Games. But oh boy, I wish I'm wrong! For me, this is my favorite franchise than GTA, despite of their multi-million dollar successful game over Max Payne.
Posted 12 January, 2019. Last edited 13 January, 2019.
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4 people found this review helpful
68.0 hrs on record (57.4 hrs at review time)
It was developed by the most dedicated developers ("KOJIMA PRODUCTIONS") out there and published by the most greediest publishers (name not worth mentioning) and they can make the most optimized PC game on this generation! Jokes on you Ubisoft, jokes on you!
More review when I finish the game!!!
Posted 14 January, 2016. Last edited 14 January, 2016.
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2 people found this review helpful
23.8 hrs on record (23.1 hrs at review time)
It may not be the "Game of the Year" but sure as well it is well writen story even the actor Nolan North (who plays as Captain Walker) amazed with it. This is not a story about heroes, it's about soldiers who is trying to do a right thing with a price of blood, sacrifice, even loyalty. Beware, the price is higher than you imagine.
Posted 2 August, 2015. Last edited 8 November, 2017.
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42.4 hrs on record (39.8 hrs at review time)
As a huge fan of TR the game is great but not perfect. From the view of the story it can be predictable, in beginning it can be interesting but in half of it losing the thrill and fear for Lara's journey to become survival and ultimate Tomb Raider.

From the view of gameplay it is entertaining but simplified for Hardcore gamers (if you liked Batman Arkham series exploration than you don't need to worry about :p) Combat can be exciting and fast it give you choses between stealth and gunfight. What really bothers me is levels are limited (it is open world) doesn't give huge chose to roam around like Assassin's Creed, it's more like Batman Arkham Asylum open world.

Multiplayer is fun but poorly made it is forgettable to enjoy.

There are alot of things to say about, but TR has ups and downs but it is a good game. Crystal Dynamics really try to bring the amazing game (even lot better of theres previous :p) still I do recommend to play it and I admite I enjoyed.
Posted 6 January, 2014. Last edited 6 January, 2014.
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